Seven Pillars of Innovation

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Seven Pillars of Innovation by Mind Map: Seven Pillars of Innovation

1. In the article, Susan states "Work can be more than a job when it stands for something you care about"(Wojcicki, 2011)

1.1. Wojcicki, S. (2011, July 22). The Eight Pillars of Innovation. Retrieved October 17, 2017, from The Eight Pillars of Innovation

2. Becoming deeply connected to your work sparks inspiration and innovation. This creates a better business and employees.

3. Pillar in Healthcare

3.1. Healthcare professionals make the mistake of viewing the healthcare industry as a business. Yes, indeed it is a large business but first and foremost we are in the business of saving lives.

3.2. Most physicians or nurses will tell you they chose healthcare as a profession to help people.

3.3. The mission that matters in healthcare is that of making sure people are and remain healthy. When we loose sight of this concept innovation and progression is lost.

3.3.1. Improving: Quality,Cost, and Access

4. Healthcare's mission

5. Policy

5.1. Policy is the use of plan or course of action intended to add context to guiding principles in compliance with laws and ethical guidelines.

5.2. The concept of policy and innovation resonates a lot with me because I am a Health policy major. Policies are very complex and innovative thinking can help with adjustments to old policies or creating of new ones.

5.3. Healthcare Policy: The Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare” is one of the most relevant health care policies today. This policy attempted to reduce disparities in the system and provide everyone with health insurance. Obamacare is controversial and struggles to encompass all corners of health care addressing access, quality and cost. There was some success with this policy but many are still uninsured.

5.3.1. Why Health Care Policy Is So Hard Mankiw, N.G. (2017, July 28). Why Health Care Policy Is So Hard. Retrieved October 30,2017, from Why Health Care Policy Is So Hard

6. Technology and Communication

6.1. Using advancements in technology to improve and innovate beyond simple means. Providing quicker more efficient communication.

6.2. We have accepted and adapted technology in our everyday lifestyles. I believe it is always changing and advancing our world in positive ways.

6.2.1. Advancements in technology can be easily paired with, computers, phones, the way we buy things as well as Healthcare.

6.3. The processes in which healthcare professionals communicate can be irregular and complicated. To increase the way healthcare professionals, communicate with each other Dr. William Winkenwerder created an app where these professionals can collaborate more easily to provide their patient with value-based care. The software “Cureatr” is secure and HIPAA compliant. With Cureatr healthcare teams can save time and talk to each other in real time to solve real issues involving patient information (Sandle, 2017)

6.3.1. Changing how healthcare professionals communicate: Interview (Includes interview and first-hand account)

7. Evidence based practice in Healthcare

7.1. "Quality improvement, implementation science and the translation of evidence to improve healthcare practice and patient outcomes. Evidence-based practice integrates the individual practitioner’s experience, patient preferences and the best available research information"

7.1.1. Evidence-based healthcare and quality improvement | Insight Medical Publishing

8. The Pillars

8.1. Innovative Process

8.1.1. Purposeful, continuous, critical, self or group thought in order to create the most successful outcome.

8.2. Leadership

8.3. Policy

8.4. Evidence-based practice

8.5. Finance

8.6. Technology and Communication

8.7. Outcomes

9. Leadership

9.1. Leadership has been prominent for a long time. Leaders use their strengths to guide a pack and pave the way for them to follow. Leadership can help provide structure and unity in many situations. Leadership involves accounting for what other strengths and weaknesses are as well and figuring out how to synchronize them.

9.1.1. “A good leader must have intentions, values, and behaviors that intend no harm and respect the rights of all parties” (Al-Sawai, 2013). Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of Healthcare Professionals: Where Do We Stand? OMAN Medical Journal. doi: 10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f

9.2. The concept of leadership holds a lot of responsibility but I think it is necessary for innovative change. There is no one way of thinking or only one idea. By recognizing your leadership qualities and those of peers, you can better reach collective success.

9.3. In healthcare, leadership is shown everyday in basic care, running of establishments, and policies. For example, the Affordable Care Act was enacted in 2010 to help assist those who did not have access to reliable care. Many facets of this industry were against the policy even though the majority supported it. As a leader, President Obama had to take into account all areas of what this law would effect. Obama realized that the current system was failing and thought innovatively as a leader to change it.

10. Evidence-based Practice

10.1. Making educated decisions based on professional knowledge and relevant research.

10.1.1. Conducted in the form of Meta Analysis/ Systematic review, Cohort studies, RCT, and case-control studies.

10.1.2. EBP is very relevant in the innovation of health policy. It is an essential part in coming up with the best quality standard care.

11. Finance

11.1. Finance in innovation is essentially funding. Budgeting and setting aside money that can be used to support innovative practices or ideas.

11.2. To me this concept essentially means balance amongst expenses.We deal with money and financing in our everyday lives and it is important.

11.3. Financing healthcare effects many areas from hospitals to private practices, medical centers ect. Also, americans face trouble with healthcare cost as it applies to services and insurance.

11.4. For example, right now our country has a problem with directing its spending on the appropriate things.

11.4.1. Scripps Health has made the decision to undergo a $2.6 billion in construction. These changes are said to "improve the ability in providing quality care". Specifically, it will accommodate new technologies and promote patient healing and comfort. This remodel is creating innovation but might create controversy because of the high price. Scripps Health plans $2.6 billion in new hospital construction

12. Outcomes

12.1. Outcomes are the end result in completing a goal or task. Mainly outcomes are results.

12.2. Outcomes to me are the effect in a cause (work) and effect situation. The amount of work you put into somthing produces an outcome. Outcomes can also be positive or negative

12.3. An example of this could be outcomes in medical research. Research that study the end results in patient treatment, practice, different interventions and performance. They review outcomes so that they can better asses and provide quality care.

12.3.1. Clinical or Population Based

12.3.2. Outcomes based research is an innovative strategy that is different from traditional research.

12.4. These strategies help them achieve other goals in the future; stepping stones if you will. The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy expands on this.