what are the differences between pure substances and a mixture?

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what are the differences between pure substances and a mixture? por Mind Map: what are the differences between pure substances and a mixture?

1. mixtures

2. mixtures are made of 2 or more substances that are physically combined

3. there are two different types of mixture

4. one of the different types of mixtures is a heterogeneous mixture. this mixture is any mixture that is uniform in composition throughout!

5. A homogeneous mixture has the same uniform appearance and composition throughout

6. pure substances

7. pure substances are made of one atom or molecule

8. a pure substance is an object or substance that only contains one thing

9. gold is an example of a pure substance because gold is an element made out of only one atom (gold)

10. another example of a pure substance is a diamond. A diamond is a pure substance because a diamond is only made of one atom ore element. a diamond is not mixed with anything