Megan Zaporowski
by Megan Zaporowski
1. elementary school
1.1. library with mom
1.1.1. bailey school kids
1.1.2. art classes
1.2. family movie nights
1.3. computer class
1.4. violin lessons
1.4.1. reading music
1.4.2. listening to classical music
2. high school
2.1. prom committee
2.1.1. powerpoint
2.2. cell phone
2.3. frau westons class
2.3.1. foreign exchange program
2.3.2. german language
2.4. AIM
2.5. sesame place
3. middle school
3.1. harry potter
3.2. dances
3.2.1. downloading music
3.3. word
3.4. excell
4. college
4.1. online classes
4.1.1. blackboard
4.1.2. e-mail
4.2. facebook
4.3. banking online
4.4. wii
4.4.1. rock band
4.4.2. wii sports
4.5. concerts
4.5.1. paramore
4.5.2. the bravery