Internal structure of the system unit

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Internal structure of the system unit por Mind Map: Internal structure of the system unit

1. types of buildings

1.1. Vertical

1.1.1. MiniTower

1.1.2. MidiTower

1.1.3. BigTower

1.1.4. SuperFullTower

1.2. Horizontal

1.2.1. Desktop

1.2.2. FootPrint

1.2.3. SlimLine

1.2.4. UltraSlimLine

2. System board

2.1. Processor(CPU)

2.2. Chipset

2.3. RAM

2.3.1. DRAM

2.3.2. SRAM

2.4. ROM(BIOS)

2.5. Video card

2.6. Sound card

2.7. PCI-devices

3. Power Supply

4. Harddisk

4.1. Form factor 3.5 and 2.5 inches.

4.2. 1.8 inch lilies.