Learning Style & Strengths Finder 2.0: Anamaria Vestal

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Learning Style & Strengths Finder 2.0: Anamaria Vestal by Mind Map: Learning Style & Strengths Finder 2.0: Anamaria Vestal


1.1. I like to solve big problems. I like the challenge of finding the solution to the problem. I believe this skill set has helped me become a valuable member of my team at work because whatever problems that arise I am able to confidently handle. This skill will be especially useful when I transition into leadership roles in the future because leaders deal with most of the problems.


2.1. I need to have close relationships around me to thrive. I believe being connected to the people you work with and creating friendships will benefit the outcome of the team production. Working together and valuing each others friendships will be part of my leadership style in the future. No one can succeed by themselves. It requires many people helping you in order to reach the goals that you set.

3. 5. INPUT

3.1. I truly believe that knowledge is power. My parents were born in Romania and were raised in a communist regime that controlled the amount of information that they could attain. Their hunger for a better life and knowledge has made me value input. I collect wisdom and knowledge for myself because I know that what will make a difference in how I relate to others.


4.1. I like to cultivate the strengths of the people around me. I think a good leader helps to elevate the team around them and will encourage their teammates with every step of improvement and progress.


5.1. I enjoy having harmony in my life. This may have a downside because there is much conflict when stepping into a leadership role and helping a team navigate how to work together properly. However, I believe that my need to resolve conflict and find areas of agreement will become an asset to resolving conflicts in my team.


6.1. I am a visual learner. I learn best by drawing diagrams of what I have learned or watching a video of the information being broken down. I also color coordinate my notes for class which really helps me retain the information when it's a difficult to understand topic.