Triangle Congruence

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Triangle Congruence by Mind Map: Triangle Congruence

1. Congruence and transformation

1.1. congruence

1.2. Transformation

1.3. Line segment

1.4. Figures

2. Classifying Triangles

2.1. Scalene

2.2. Equilateral

2.3. Verticies

2.4. Obtuse

2.5. Acute

2.6. Sloping

3. Relationships in triangles

3.1. Adjacent

3.2. Corollary

3.3. Interior angles

3.4. Exterior angles

3.5. Measurement

3.6. Remote interior angles

4. Congruent triangles

4.1. Sequence

4.2. Corresponding parts

4.3. Sides

4.4. Converse

4.5. Corresponding

4.6. Perimeter

5. Triangle congruence SSS/SAS

5.1. Transitive

5.2. Reflections

5.3. Theorem

5.4. Angle bisectors

5.5. Midpoint

6. Triangle congruence CPCTC

6.1. Slope

6.2. Parallel

6.3. Horizontal

6.4. Vertical

6.5. Slope triangle

6.6. Perpendicular

6.7. Rotate

7. By the way, this is a floating topic. To create a floating topic, simply drag it away from the map center.

8. Isosceles and equilateral triangles

8.1. Legs

8.2. Vertex angles

8.3. Base

8.4. Base angles

8.5. Bisector

8.6. Approximately

8.7. Vertex

8.8. Altitude

9. Triangle congruence ASA, AAS, HL

9.1. Rigid

9.2. Points

9.3. Locate

9.4. Pair

9.5. Criterion

10. Introduction to coordinate proof

10.1. Coordinate

10.2. Coordinate proof

10.3. Geometric

10.4. Geometric relationships

10.5. Length

10.6. Plot

10.7. Isosceles