Triangle congruence

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Triangle congruence by Mind Map: Triangle congruence

1. Formula for Transfromation

1.1. (x,y) ---> (x+a,y+b)

1.2. (x,y) reflection across y axis (-x,y)

1.3. (x,y) reflection across x axis (x,-y)

1.4. (x,y) 90 degree clockwise (y,-x)

1.5. (x,y) 90 degree counterclockwise (-y,x)

1.6. (x,y) rotation about 180 degrees (-y,-x)

1.7. (x,y)----> (kx,ky),k>0

2. Type of Triangles

2.1. Acute Triangle

2.1.1. Has three acute angles

2.2. Equiangular Triangle

2.2.1. All sides are equal

2.3. Right Triangle

2.3.1. Has a right Angle

2.4. Obtuse Triangle

2.4.1. Has one obtuse angle

2.5. All triangles equal 180 degrees

3. AB,AC,BC are the sides of the Triangles.

4. Triangle sum Theorm

4.1. m<A + m<B + m<C

4.2. m<4= m<1+m<2

4.3. If two angles of one triangle are congruent to the other two angles then the third angle of both triangle are congruent.

5. Postulate

5.1. If three sides of one Triangle is equal to three sides of another triangle then the triangles are congruent.

5.2. ABC=DEF

6. Dilation, Isometry, and Rigid transformation

7. Type of Transformation

7.1. Translation

7.2. Reflection

7.3. Rotation

7.4. Dilation

8. Triangle Classification

8.1. Equilateral Triangle

8.1.1. Three congruent sides

8.2. Scalene Triangle

8.2.1. No sides are congruent

8.3. Isosceles Triangle

8.3.1. Two congruent sides

9. Properties of congruent polygons

9.1. m<ABC = m<DEF

9.2. m<A = m<D

9.3. m<B = m<E

9.4. m<C = m<F