Life after slavery for African Americans

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Life after slavery for African Americans por Mind Map: Life after slavery for African Americans

1. What can you say about the government during this time? Was it stable or was it corrupt ?

1.1. They had passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendment which gave the African Americans the right to vote, the right of American citizenship, and abolished slavery. After this many of the African Americans took these, rights and responsibilities.

1.2. "the Thirteenth Amendment(1865) ended slavery, the Fourteenth Amendment (1868) guaranteed African Americans the rights of American citizenship, and the Fifteenth Amendment(1870) guaranteed black men the constitutional right to vote."

1.2.1. When I first read this paragraph, I knew about a time where many people had argued that the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery but it was kind of the Thirteenth Amendment that had abolished slavery.

2. What would have resulted if they did enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments ? Would the shenanigans mention would have happened ?

2.1. he KKK emerges in the late 1860s and they had terrorized all the African Americans that were living in the South. They passed a law later on to show that this was an end to these members.

2.2. I remember in 3rd grade I believe we had a music class and we had sung a song called " The Strange Fruit" and was sung by Billie Holiday It was a R&B song that had talked about a "fruit" hanging from the tree and it had gave off a nasty smell. But in actuality it was about African Americans who were being hung from trees, rotting in the sun.

2.2.1. "White supremacists in the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) terrorized African American leaders and citizens in the South until, in 1871, the US Congress passed legislation that resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of Klan leaders and the end of the Klan’s terrorism of Americans for a time."

3. Why didn't the African Americans, fight even more for their civil rights?

3.1. After being liberated from the South the slaves were happy to know because there were victims of sexual assault and victims of abuse. Even after being slaves they still continued to be subjected to discrimination, and they go on the say how they weren't compensated for their enslavement.

3.1.1. This reminds me of the class discussions, I have had in History class. We discussed how The African Americans rights and responsibilities weren't there after the Civil War. And how their lives had to be rebuilt.

3.2. "Gone were the brutalities and indignities of slave life, the whoppings and sexual assaults, the selling and forcible relocation of family members, the denial of education, wages, legal marriage, homeownership, and more."

4. What ideas show, how education was very important to the African Amercan's? Why was it so important to them ?

4.1. Black churches were very important to the African Americans now, because it helped them personally and centered around learning, and socializing. Many African Americans, had a fond desire to learn and because of this the founded the nation's first black colleges.

4.1.1. When I first was introduced into this paragraph, I knew it was going to about how the African Americans found sanctuary with being with family, how they found faith and how they got their education.

4.2. "Black churches became centerpieces of African American culture and community, not only as places of personal spiritual renewal and communal worship but also as centers for learning, socializing, and political organization."