Teaching, Learning and Development

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Teaching, Learning and Development 저자: Mind Map: Teaching, Learning and Development

1. week three: views of behavior: cognitive, behavioral, social, constructivist

1.1. behavioral

1.1.1. behavior occurs given right environment

1.1.2. behavior more or less likely to occur based on consequences

1.1.3. rewards and punishments

1.2. cognitive

1.2.1. emphasize role of mental processes

1.2.2. process information in a meaningful way

1.2.3. relate learning to wider context

1.2.4. "deeper learning"

1.2.5. detail not important, principles are

1.3. constructivist

1.3.1. equate learning to meaning

1.3.2. active role in learning process

1.3.3. Meaningful contexts help students construct knowledge based on own knowledge

1.3.4. Example: debating controversial topics, real world activities

2. week four: establishing a positive learning environment

2.1. Rita Pierson TED talk

2.2. Resilient Students

2.2.1. Students’ sense of belonging supports educational bases on motivaition and learning

2.2.2. Resilient students possess : good self esteem, optimism, personal growth, connection, motivation to learn and discipline

2.3. Classroom management

2.3.1. teachers need to undertake actions for classroom management

2.4. Dynamic Classroom enviornment

2.4.1. develop relationships with/among students

2.4.2. Organize instructions to optimize students’ access to learning

2.4.3. Group management methods that encourage students to participate in academic tasks

2.4.4. Promote development of students’ social skills and self regulations

2.4.5. Use of intervention to assist students with behavioral problems

3. week five: making instructional decisions

3.1. Bloom's taxonomy

3.1.1. knowledge

3.1.2. comprehension

3.1.3. application

3.1.4. analysis

3.1.5. synthesis

3.1.6. evaluation

3.2. inquiry based learning

3.2.1. exploration and intervention

3.2.2. teacher is leader and coach

3.2.3. students explain/design own tasks

3.3. problem based learning

3.3.1. identifying problems and activating prior knowledge

3.3.2. teacher is facilitator

3.3.3. student determines if problem exists and identifying information

3.4. universal instructional design

3.4.1. instruction takes in need of all children

3.4.2. makes it easy for all students to understand

3.5. letting students hack lesson plan video

3.5.1. student construct own learning

3.5.2. video chat from different countries I did this while I was teaching kindergarten abroad in Istanbul, Turkey. We connected with a school in America and my students made a video where they talked about various aspects of turkish culture such as food, holidays, dances, etc. The American school did the same and we exchanged videos. It was an amazing way for the students to learn about different cultures.

3.5.3. students create assessment activities

3.5.4. "differentiated instruction" content provided in different learning styles

4. week seven: individual differences

4.1. include students with exceptionalities

4.1.1. behavior, communication, intellectual, physical disability and multiple

4.1.2. As educators you must: examine own beliefs, work with school team, use variety of instructional methods and extend inclusion to whole school

4.2. UDL: Principles and practice

4.2.1. accommodates marginalized students

4.2.2. includes students with disabilities and dont speak english but also gifted students

4.2.3. access to curriculum for ALL students

4.2.4. design flexible in allowing choices

4.3. Differentiated instuction

4.3.1. To recognize Students’ different levels of background knowledge, language ability and learning preference

4.3.2. adapt instructions to suit individual differences I believe that as an educator, it is so important to realize that every child learns differently. Thus, different methods and strategies can be presented in the classroom to accommodate learning styles.

4.3.3. What can be differentiated? The process, content, products and affects/environments of learning

5. week nine: end of school year

5.1. Standardized testing

5.1.1. for comparison across schools assess system assess accountability evaluate curricula

5.1.2. against narrowing curriculum lost students Personally, I am against standardized testing. Everyone learns differently and it is unfair to mark everyone in one basic way. It doesn't determine a students' intelligence. student disengagement no linguistic or other differences doesn't enhance student learning

5.1.3. consider situational/environmental factors personal/emotional factors grade spread requirement

6. skills learned in early school year critical for later achievement expectations

7. result in effective process

7.1. excellent instruction

7.2. enhanced student learning

7.3. exemplary enviornment

8. common place for education

8.1. teacher

8.2. classroom

8.3. student

8.4. curriculum

9. reflective practitioners

9.1. Open minded, flexible to change

9.2. Reflect on their practice

9.3. Assess teaching effects

9.4. self inquiry crucial

10. Stop stealing dreams video

10.1. Education system should be reformed

10.1.1. I personally found this video inspiring and beneficial. I liked how he clearly stated all these myths that are based about school and how to challenge and change them. For instance, the concept of having a "number one" university is superficial.

10.2. what is school for?

10.3. Myths surrounding school

11. week one: planning for an upcoming school year

12. week two: considering developmental differences

12.1. What is development?

12.1.1. physical, cognitive and social changes

12.1.2. learning becomes organized

12.1.3. behavior becomes adaptable

12.2. principles of development

12.2.1. development follows orderly fashion

12.2.2. gradual process but doesn't occur in constant rate

12.2.3. quantitative and qualitative changes

12.2.4. people develop at different rates

12.2.5. results from genetics and enviornment

12.3. physical/biological development

12.3.1. educators have no control over this

12.3.2. Understand that certain physical changes interact with cognitive and social changes

12.3.3. During early childhood years and puberty

12.4. cognitive

13. week eight: socio-cultural considerations

13.1. diverse learners

13.1.1. Teachers should use knowledge about the social, cultural backgrounds of students when planning instructions since academic achievement of students increase I believe that as an educator, it is extremely important to take into account the diversity that is presented in the classroom. This will help me plan my lessons and instructions. I came across this video the other day and it made me smile. It celebrate diversity across the world

13.2. diversity in school

13.2.1. language

13.2.2. aboriginal people

13.2.3. same sex couples

13.2.4. newcomers

13.2.5. visible minorities

13.2.6. one parent family

13.2.7. religion practiced

13.3. stereotype threat

13.3.1. Fear that ones behavior will confirm an existing negative stereotype of your identity group

13.3.2. leads to discrimination and prejudice

13.4. socio economic status

13.4.1. poverty biggest risk for childs education

13.5. effects of parenting style

13.5.1. authoritarian

13.5.2. permissive

13.5.3. authoritative

13.6. aboriginal education

13.6.1. includes risk factors and protective factors

14. week six: knowing that the students know

14.1. Understanding by Desgin

14.1.1. teach and assess for understanding and transfer

14.1.2. whats worth understanding

14.1.3. larger transferable processes and big ideas

14.1.4. assess for understanding

14.1.5. "backward design" planning backwards

14.2. How people learn: Knowledge centered

14.2.1. build bridge from prior knowledge to new concepts

14.2.2. foster understanding and building skills

14.2.3. students ask questions and share ideas

14.3. Assessment centered

14.3.1. concept behind knowledge emphasized

14.3.2. build self assessment skills

14.3.3. opportunity to show improvement

14.4. Community centered

14.4.1. respectful learning environment

14.4.2. mastering content