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Unit/Module # by Mind Map: Unit/Module #

1. Low-Stakes Content Learning Activities

1.1. Textual

1.1.1. Notes

1.1.2. Notes conntecting resources

1.1.3. Finding resources and connecting to notes

1.1.4. Social Bookmarking

1.2. Visual

1.2.1. Mindmap

1.2.2. annotate videos

1.2.3. annotate images

1.3. Kinesthetic

1.3.1. Labs

1.3.2. Role Playing

1.4. Repetitive Problems

1.4.1. Practice Problems (math)

1.4.2. Quick Quizes

1.4.3. Flash Cards

1.5. Alternatives

1.5.1. Timelines

1.5.2. Maps

1.5.3. Collages

2. Learning Assessment Methods/Activities

2.1. Tests

2.2. Papers

2.3. Projects

3. Objectives

3.1. Objective #1

3.2. Objective #2

3.3. Objective #3

3.4. Objective #4

4. Content Delivery Methods

4.1. Reading/Text

4.1.1. Reading #1

4.1.2. Reading #2

4.1.3. Reading #3

4.2. Lecture/Slideshow (w/Audio)

4.2.1. Date

4.2.2. Date

4.3. Video/Images

4.3.1. Video #1

4.3.2. Video #2

4.3.3. Image #1

4.3.4. Video #3

4.3.5. Image #2

4.4. Audio/Podcasting

4.4.1. Podcast #1

4.4.2. Podcast #2

4.5. Alternatives

4.5.1. Timelines

4.5.2. Maps

4.5.3. Collage