How to Succeed in University

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How to Succeed in University by Mind Map: How to Succeed in University

1. Understanding Academic Integrity

1.1. Plagiarism

1.1.1. When you take another person's words/ideas & us them as your own

1.2. Caught Plagiarism (Penalties)

1.2.1. Receive a failing grade for the paper

1.2.2. Expulsion from the university

1.3. Guilty of Plagiarism

1.3.1. Buy a paper online/reuse a paper you have written for another class

1.3.2. Any time you use information from any source & fail to cite it

2. Reading Academic Articles

2.1. Klein's basic steps for skimming, scanning, processing...

2.1.1. Read the abstract

2.1.2. Read the introduction

2.1.3. Read the conclusion

2.1.4. Skim the middle, look at section titles, tables, figures, etc.

2.1.5. Go back & read the whole paper and focus on the areas that seem most important

2.2. Critique It...!

2.2.1. Ask if the argument makes sense

2.2.2. Compare the article to others you've read on the same/closely related subject

2.2.3. Use other resources to find articles that cite the article you're reading

3. Writing Research Papers

3.1. Pick a Good Topic

3.2. Identify Potential Ideas

3.3. Customize Your Topic

3.4. Turn Your Topic into a Question

3.5. Identify the key concepts & related keywords

3.6. Find Resources

3.7. Match resources to your information need

3.8. Start writing papers

3.9. When your research is done & paper is written, make citations