Problems of the environment

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Problems of the environment by Mind Map: Problems of the environment

1. Not enough natural resources

2. pollution

2.1. air

2.2. soil

2.3. water

2.3.1. oil spills

2.3.2. rubbish from people

2.3.3. factories dump waste into rivers

2.4. noise

2.5. light

3. Holes in the ozone layer

3.1. too much radiation

3.1.1. skin diseases

3.1.2. eye diseases

4. Natural disasters

4.1. volcano eruption

4.2. earthquakes

4.3. tzunamis

4.4. flood

4.5. hurricanes

4.6. tornados

4.7. draught

5. Wasting energy

5.1. use too much electricity

6. Water shortage

6.1. not enough supply of drinking water

7. Global warming

7.1. Greenhouse effect

8. Overpopulation

9. Climate change

9.1. Weather patterns and seasons change.

10. Too much waste

10.1. modern lifestyle

10.1.1. too much packaging plastic, nylon

10.2. industry

10.2.1. chemicals

11. Destruction of forests = Deforestation

11.1. we need wood, paper, furniture, houses, heating

11.2. damages trees, buildings, cars

11.3. less oxygen

11.3.1. animals lose their natural habitat animals become extinct or endangered species

12. Acid rain

12.1. water + chemicals