by Ayden Mueller
1. Push Factors
1.1. Push factors encourage people to emirate from their country.
1.2. War is a push factor.
1.3. People fear persecution: The fear of being killed for your beliefs.
1.4. Political Push Factors are factors that cause people to move because the government leads in fear.
1.5. Droughts cause people to move. Potato Famine.
1.6. Environmental changes may cause people to move.
1.7. Most common push factors are economic.
1.8. Early immigrants to the U.S. were poor farmers trying to start a new life.
2. Pull Factors
2.1. Pull Factors encourage people immigrate to a new country.
2.2. People will move to family in other country.
2.3. Education is a strong pull factor. People will move to countries with better schools.
2.4. People will move to another country because they feel more safe.
2.5. Jews have moved to America because sometimes at there home country they are persecuted, so moving to the U.S. makes them feel safe knowing that they can practice any religion they want.
3. Emigration
3.1. When people move away from their home country.
3.2. People who move away from their country are called emigrants.
3.3. When emigrates leave their homeland, they are taking away useful skills.
3.4. Brain Drain is the loss of well-educated people such as doctors or engineers to another country.
3.5. Some emigrants send money back home to there families. Remittance is a payment of money sent by an immigrant to a relative in his or her home country.
3.6. Sometimes emigrants leave to get an education but when they come back they help benefit their country in many ways.
3.7. Spread of Democracy.
4. Imigration
4.1. When people move to aother new country
4.2. People who move to a new country are called immigrants.
4.3. The U.S. depends on immigrants to take the jobs that native-born Americans don't want.
4.4. Most immigrants take low paying jobs. Ex: cab drivers, farmers, house cleaners, restaurant workers, or nannies.
4.5. Some immigrants are smart and get good paying jobs.
4.6. Taxes paid help immigrants who need health care or public assistance.
4.7. Immigrants who come to the U.S. bring along their culture. For example, the types of food they eat and the holidays the celebrate.
5. Migration Streams
5.1. The constant flow of migrants from one country into another country.
5.2. The largest migration stream into the U.S. today is from Mexico.
5.3. One migration stream was from the U.S. was from Europe. People were escaping hunger and poverty.
5.4. Many were refugees. A refugee is someone who seeks safety by going to another country.
6. Voluntary Migration
6.1. Voluntary Migration is when people choose to migrate of their own free will.
6.2. People move people they want a better quality of life.
6.3. Many people find life hard in their home country so they choose to move.
6.4. An example is when people moved from the southern united started to the northern United States because of discrimination because of their skin color and slavery.
7. Involuntary Migration
7.1. Involuntary migration is also known as forced migration because the people involved are forced to migrate, often under threat of death or violence.
7.2. An example is of the transatlantic slave trade. People were taken from their country and forced to do slave labor for the rest of their life.
7.3. Today, large-scale involuntary migrations generally involve refugees fearing persecution.
7.4. Persecution is when people are punished or killed people of their religion of beliefs.