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Atoms by Mind Map: Atoms

1. A neutron is the neutral part of an atom it has no charge whatsoever

2. A proton has a positive charge and is located on the nucleus of the atom

3. An electron is negatively charged and orbits the nucleus in rings

4. The word "atom" comes from the Greek word for "uncuttable" or "undivided". The Greek Democritus believed matter consists of particles that could not be cut into smaller particles.

5. Electrons carry a negative electric charge, and protons carry a positive charge. The attraction between them holds electrons in orbits. When atoms come together, they share electrons in their outer shells to form chemical bonds.

6. What makes an atom?

7. An Atom is made up of protons neutrons and electrons.

8. Atoms are the smallest particles that make up elements. Each element contains a different number of protons.

9. The most abundant type of atom in the universe is the hydrogen atom. Nearly 74% of the atoms in the Milky Way galaxy are hydrogen atoms.

10. Using atoms to create nuclear power this is achieved by firing another particle like a proton at the atom causing a reaction and explosion.