Calligraphic Jug

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Calligraphic Jug by Mind Map: Calligraphic Jug

1. Relevant Facts

1.1. - Kashan, Iran

1.2. - Late 12th Century

1.3. - Fritware (Type of Stone Pottery)

2. Inferences

2.1. Inference: Good/lucky jug

2.1.1. Evidence: Incription: Glory and Generosity and Happiness Explanation: The inscription is very positive, therefore it may be good.

2.2. Inference: Expensive

2.2.1. Evidence: Made of Fitware - might include Quartz stone. Ancient Artefacts. Explanation: Quatz stones are expensive. Atrefacts are ancient, may cost a lot.

2.3. Inference: Animals were of importance - specifically birds

2.3.1. Evidence: There is a bird and a snake pattern on artefacts. Explanation: Birds and snakes are animals and birds are important to some Iran cultures.

3. Civilisation Inferences

3.1. Inference: They have skilled potters

3.1.1. Evidence: The patterns are precise Explanation: Precise patterns take time, effort and skill

3.2. Inference: The civilisation had some resources of stone

3.2.1. Evidence: The jug is made of Fritware (a type of stone pottery) Explanation: The calligraphic jug (and some of the other artefacts) were made of stone so there must've been stone resources close by

3.3. Other artefacts

3.3.1. Inference: The civilisation was fancy - precise, skilled, different patterns Evidence: All artefacts have a different pattern on it Explanation: In Iran they value patterns