Charly Tutors

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Charly Tutors by Mind Map: Charly Tutors

1. Queue 2019

1.1. Forest Pack Part 2

1.2. Ornatrix Chapter 7

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4. Environment Creation

4.1. WC2 Part 8

4.1.1. part 8. Adobe Premiere progress ( March 14, 2019)

5. Braid Creation Workflow

5.1. progress

5.1.1. Part 3 Finished (ENG subs coming soon) Working with ENG subs (Feb 6 2019)

6. Railclone Base Course. Chapter 2.2

7. PhoenixFD

8. Substnace Designer Part 6 in progress (April 21, 2019)

9. Final coming soon (April 22, 2019)

9.1. Adobe Premiere Progress (March 18, 2019)

10. Part 5 coming soon...

11. Teya conceptor part 4 in progress

12. Corona Distance Map. Part 2 in progress

12.1. Adobe Premiere progress (March 30, 2019)

13. Octane Render ORBX magic tutorial (March 29. 2019)

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