Frank Case study
by Jacob Campo
1. Before CVA: very active , avid gardener, woodworker, and worked as a postal worker before retiring.
2. Family/ home life: 1 son from a previous marriage, and a current wife. Frank and his current wife live in a ranch style house with steps upon entering the home. Franks relationship with his wife is very strong.
3. Social interaction: Bowling night, traveling with his wife, and seeing friends from the post office.
4. Franks deficits
4.1. Left Neglect
4.2. Left hemiplegia
4.3. No visual loss
4.4. no hearing loss
4.5. Needs glasses for far distances
4.6. defects in perception
4.7. poor: judgement, insight , safety, and attention.
4.8. Left/ right confusion
4.9. Steriagnosis
4.10. Sensory deficits
4.11. loss of sensation: light touch,sharpe, and dull.
5. Franks personality
5.1. great sense of humor
5.2. likes to joke and tease the staff members
5.3. Frank does not know why he needs so much therapy.
6. Right CVA -of internal carotid artery
7. Symptoms: Left hemiplegia and left neglect.
8. Assessment tools used on Frank:
8.1. MMT
8.2. Perceptual
8.3. Sensory
8.4. Barthel index of ADL's
9. Range of motion:
9.1. No loss of range in Right side.
9.2. Left weakness in UE and LE
9.3. muscle grade is a 2 on the left side fingers and wrist.
9.4. PROM- L. UE shoulder flexion is 85 degrees
9.5. Elbow flexion -100 degrees
9.6. Shoulder abduction 70 degrees
9.7. Wrist/ hand are WNL
9.8. Grade of 2 on his UE, Neck, and Trunk.
9.9. grade of 1 on his L LE
9.10. AROM- flexion extension - 0- 50 degrees
9.11. Adduction/abduction - 0-45 degrees
9.12. internal/ external rotation 0-5 degrees, 0-15 degrees.
9.13. elbow flexion / extension 0-60 degrees
9.14. supination 0-15 degrees
9.15. Pronation WNL
9.16. Wrist flexion 0-45 degrees/ extension 0-10 degrees
9.17. finger extension is weak
9.18. Strength not being tested because of increased tone.
10. ADL Evaluation:
10.1. Difficulty with right/ left discrimination
10.2. Difficulty managing clothing
10.3. Max assisted for dressing
10.4. Ambulated with hemi walker
10.5. poor balance
10.6. needs moderate verbal cueing
10.7. poor safety awareness