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1. Because of

1.1. Debido a

1.2. A causa de

1.3. I was late because of heavy traffic

2. Owing to

2.1. A fin de que

2.2. The has been cancelled owing to lack of interest

3. In order to

3.1. You do not need a degree in order to work as an scort in order to travel abroad you must have a valid passport

3.2. A fin de que

4. Besides

4.1. Además

4.2. It is a nice day for walk and besides I need the exercise

5. So

5.1. Así que

5.2. I'm hungry so I'm going to get something to eat

6. Therefore

6.1. Por lo tanto

6.2. I think therefore I am

7. Whereas

7.1. Mientras

7.2. He likes broccoli whereas she hates it

8. Neither...Nor

8.1. Ni...Ni

8.2. Neither my mother nor my father went to the university

9. Although

9.1. A pesar de

9.2. I see her all the time although I never talk to her