How effective are zero tolerance policies in preventing violence at school, and are there any uni...

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How effective are zero tolerance policies in preventing violence at school, and are there any unintended effects of these polices? af Mind Map: How effective are zero tolerance policies in preventing violence at school, and are there any unintended effects of these polices?

1. Problems with zero tolerance policies are exaggerated and can be remedied with a little common sense.

1.1. Because practical experience repeatedly demonstrates that school safety plans need to reflect a balance of strategies focused on prevention.

1.2. "The zero tolerance phrase has taken on a life of its own and ... been exaggerated for the purpose of either supporting or opposing other school safety strategies (Trump).

1.2.1. "Ken Trump, a school security consultant who advocates for school safety plans that involve training and crisis preparedness in addition to metal detectors and security officers, argues that zero tolerance policies are not to blame for instances of unfair discipline and says that the "average school administrator is not an extremist on either end of the continuum" (Trump). This shows that a number of factors go into making schools safe, and people don't need to focus on any particular policy.

1.2.2. "While these other tools and strategies may be a necessary and appropriate part of many school safety plans, truly professional school security programs are much more encompassing than one or two single approaches".(trump) This makes me think we need to be more secure like the article is saying have more safe schools.

1.3. "In considering different strategies for promoting productive and safe school environments, it can be difficult to know what works and what doesn't"(Böckler).

1.3.1. "There's growing consensus that the most effective schools reinforce positive behavior and respond to behavioral problems on a case-by-case basis in ways that suit the individual's circumstances and needs. That implies a return to discretion, but with some structure and guidance".(Böckler) this matters because it reinforces positive actions whiten the school.

1.3.2. "Among middle school students, black youth are suspended nearly four times more often than white youth, and Latino youth are roughly twice as likely to be suspended or expelled than white youth. Part of this dynamic is that under-resourced urban schools with higher populations of black and Latino students are generally more likely to respond harshly to misbehavior".(Böckler) this shows that since more colored races are receiving more punishment they are gonna seem this is unfair and are gonna react more harshly to things.

1.4. Because zero tolerance" by critics who falsely try to create a perception that there is some type of mass conspiracy by educators to unfairly discipline children.

2. Zero tolerance policies have negative unintended consequences and should be ended.

2.1. Zero Tolerance policies should be discontinued because they're applied unfairly to minority students and negatively impact graduation rates (Kang-Brown).

2.1.1. "Among middle school students, black youth are suspended nearly four times more often than white youth, and Latino youth are roughly twice as likely to be suspended or expelled than white youth. And because boys are twice as likely as girls to receive these punishments, the proportion of black and Latino boys who are suspended or expelled is especially large" (Kang-Brown). This quote means that people of other race are being discriminated due to zero tolerance policies and its unfair.

2.1.2. "It is these cases that get labeled as "zero tolerance" by critics who falsely try to create a perception that there is some type of mass conspiracy by educators to unfairly discipline children. Contrary to suggestions by the media, politicians, and Ivory-Tower [academic] theorists, the real problem is therefore the absence of common sense and questionable implementation of disciplinary policies, not the presence of intentionally harsh actions committed to fuel a master nationwide conspiracy plan called "zero tolerance."(Kang-Brown) This makes me think that zero tolerance treats children unfairly and has a absence of common sense.

2.2. No human organization should be run by the unwilling people of outrageous rules, without any regard for personal cases or any effort on the part of the people in order to put though in considered decisions.(Derbyshire)

2.2.1. "The abdication of authority is the common feature uncovering both zero tolerance and total tolerance. On the one hand, there is the determination to avoid exercising any kind of rational leniency about infractions of discipline, lest one's judgment betray one into "discrimination" or-much worse-fail to detect the very occasional adolescent psychopath. On the other hand, there is the unwillingness to be "judgmental" about any expressions of individual belief or taste-except those derived from organized Christianity."(Derbyshire, Jhon) This matters because there is no motivation for the student to learn about discipline in a zero tolerance school.

2.2.2. " Nationally, the number of secondary school students suspended or expelled over the course of a school year increased roughly 40 percent from one in 13 in 1972-73 to one in nine in 2009-10. In recent years, an estimated two million students annually are suspended from secondary schools. As a point of comparison, slightly more than three million students graduated high school in 2013."(Derbyshire) This shows that's its bad that more students are not graduating and getting suspended that means colleges wont accept that and they will have poor jobs and will not be function in the economy the way they like.

2.3. Because the schools faced lawsuits charging that principals disciplined students differently based on race and other factors.

2.4. Because the results delivered when our liberal elites are left free to exercise their powers of judgment are positively dangerous.