Existing scholars, sources, students gather in vibrant, collaborative space (YNY)

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Existing scholars, sources, students gather in vibrant, collaborative space (YNY) af Mind Map: Existing scholars, sources, students gather in vibrant, collaborative space (YNY)

1. Collective revival/reimagining of Klezmer, Yiddish Culture

1.1. Music/resources are produced and become more readily available to Jews, non-Jews, musicians, and non-musicians alike

1.1.1. **Klezmer becomes a more widely known/appreciated musical genre; contributing cultural capital to the world music canon

2. Students participate in intensive, weeklong workshops/immersive cultural experience

2.1. Longtime/returning participants become leaders in their individual communities

2.1.1. **Klezmer/Yiddish culture is restored as an essential part of secular Jewish life; providing sense of identity, well-being, community