Massively Effective People Say No To These 3 Things

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Massively Effective People Say No To These 3 Things af Mind Map: Massively Effective People Say No To These 3 Things

1. Activities You Can Delegate

1.1. Focus on your strength

1.2. Delegate things you're not great at instead of improving your weakness

2. Urgent Requests That Don’t Really Matter

2.1. Important but not urgent activities represent other people’s priorities. Beware of those

2.2. Use the Eisenhower box as a framework for deciding what to focus on and what to ignore.

2.3. Say yes to important tasks that help you achieve your goals faster and say no, or at least not right now, to everything else.

3. Ways Of Working That Drain You

3.1. If you're an extrovert talking your ideas out loud with your team can be revitalizing

3.2. Introverts need time and space to reflect on information before reaching a decision.

3.3. Both work styles are OK.