The Meaning of Business Life Jay Abraham

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The Meaning of Business Life Jay Abraham af Mind Map: The Meaning of  Business Life Jay Abraham

1. Joint ventures

1.1. Pdf

1.2. Tom Sawyer Mindset

1.2.1. Page 17

1.3. O.P.M

1.3.1. Page 25

1.4. 11 Ways Joint Ventures

1.4.1. Achieve advantages of scale, scope or speed.

1.4.2. Enhance product development.

1.4.3. Develop new business opportunities through new products and services

1.4.4. Expand market sector development

1.4.5. Diversity.

1.4.6. Create new businesses.

1.4.7. Reduce cost.

1.4.8. Enhance competitiveness in existing local, national or international markets, and increase market penetration instantly.

1.4.9. Massively boost your market presence.

1.4.10. Enter emerging markets.

1.4.11. Expand your horizons.

1.5. "The key is to capitalize on other people's underutilized, overlooked, undervalued, underperforming assets or opportunities. "

1.6. "The difference between greatness and mediocrity, mediocrity and millions, spectacular andpathetic performance is how well you use your time, your opportunities, your efforts, yourresources and your assets. "

1.7. Focus is clarity. Clarity gives power. Power gives understanding. Understanding gives certainty. Certainty gives trust. Without trust, people won't take action.

1.7.1. Focus Connect the dots for them. If you connect the dots, it helps them take action. Once the dots are connected, people will take that first step, and then go to the next. That's what "leading" is all about.

1.7.2. Clarity It's important for your prospects to define for themselves their biggest frustrations, challenges and opportunities. In most case, they're paralyzed because they cannot put their dreams into words, and they most likely have only a vague idea ofwhat they really want... so they can't take action. You want to give them clarity by asking them, "What would the picture look like ~ryour business were operating the way you really want it to?" (Just asking this makes a change, in and of itself.)

1.7.3. Understanding Just telling people what to do and not telling them why they should do it doesn't give them the confidence that going through t e process will produce the result they want.

1.7.4. Certainty

1.7.5. Trust Always provide customers and prospects with views and viewpoints those customers can absolutely trust. Never put your interest ahead ofthat of your customer. Refuse to sell more or less ofwhat they need. Always provide what is in your customer's best interest.

1.7.6. Leadership People seek out someone who they believe can lead them to great results, great outcome, joy, less pain, more profitability, more productivity. In fact, a true leader knows what's possible when often times the customer doesn't.

1.8. Six Critical Questions to Ask Before You Do ANY Promotion

1.8.1. If I were on the receiving end, why would I want this?

1.8.2. Why would I want to take advantage of this offer at this particular time?

1.8.3. What's in it for me?

1.8.4. How will this product make me feel better about myself, my family, my business, my future, my life?

1.8.5. Why is this better than doing what I'm doing - or doing nothing at all?

1.8.6. So what?

1.9. The Five Critical Factors Of Passion

1.9.1. The first is energy.

1.9.2. The second factor is a vision that inspires you Your vision is a picture of how you're going to fulfill your purpose

1.9.3. Number three is a laser-like focus on the worthiness of your purpose.

1.9.4. Number four, commitment. You've got to be on a crusade to add value to as many people as possible

1.9.5. number five, to build and sustain your passion you need a code of conduct. d. It's your dedication to being of service to others;

1.10. The Entrepreneurial Mindset's Twelve Elements / joint venturer's mindset

1.10.1. The first element: you look at everything and ask, "Where's the opportunity in this?" You're constantly looking for hidden assets and opportunities, both tangible and intangible, in every area of your life. You define yourself as an opportunist.

1.10.2. The second element of the joint venturer's mindset is flexibility. Your challenge and goal is to find the road you want to be traveling, then enjoy yourself every step ofthe way. So flexibility means you have a dynamic orientation. The ability to constantly adapt, improve and change strategies. You invite and celebrate change, rather than resisting it. You think outside the box, and you realize, like everything else in nature, if you're not growing you start dying. Don't get stuck in one approach.

1.10.3. Element #3 in the joint venturer's mindset is a bias towards action. The entrepreneur's concept is "Ready, fire, aim!" What this means to me is once you get the basic concept clear in your mind you go out and apply it, and then you adjust your aim as you go to hit the center of your target.

1.10.4. Number four: the joint venturer realizes that marketing is the life force of all business achievement marketing really is educating your customers and prospects to appreciate and desire the results your product or service can give them. People won't buy from you unless you get them to want what you're selling or realize they need it. So your focus should be to continually demonstrate and compare the benefits and advantages they can expect to enjoy by becoming your customer or client.

1.10.5. Number five: living in the present, not resting on past achievements, or dwelling on past failures, or worrying about the future.

1.10.6. Number six: being tenacious. tenacity or persistence comes from the dedication and commitment

1.10.7. Element number seven is being pragmatic u focus on maximizing the quality and value of your product or service, along with maximizing your next profits and minimizing your risk.

1.10.8. The eighth element is realizing there's a logical order to things. Getting to where you want to be is not random There's an immutable order, and all you've got to do is figure out what the best order is for your particular objective

1.10.9. element nine: certainty and faith. Once you've found your own path, it is like you're being swept along, and you're unstoppable It's about recognizing that you have a destiny and purpose you can choose to discover and fulfill.

1.10.10. Number ten: using leverage effectively. This means you are predisposed to choosing methods and approaches that give you the greatest advantage and control. More specifically, you wouldn't think of expending time or money for less than the maximum return possible.

1.10.11. Number eleven: you become an idea generator, an innovator. You understand that innovation is not just some İntimidating high-tech process; it may be nothing more than finding a simple way to bring a single new benefit or advantage to your customer or client.

1.10.12. element number twelve of the joint venturer's mindset: Refusing to take yourself seriously the fun, the challenge, the excitement ofthe process is what it's all about. every day, each and every hour, each and every person you interact with, each and every activity, challenge, problem you face is a wonderful opportunity to discover, to experience, to grow, to master. And what you will find is every day will be a success.

1.11. Eight Power Principles That Will Guarantee Your JV Success

1.11.1. Principle #1: Be A Good Listener

1.11.2. Principle #2: Speak To People In Their Own Language

1.11.3. Principle #3: Let People Talk To You And Tell You What They Need

1.11.4. Principle #4: Be A Solution Provider

1.11.5. Principle #5: Be Externally Focused, Not Self-Absorbed Once you change your focus from "me" to "you," and from yourselfto others, your whole life changes. All kinds of opportunities open up.

1.11.6. Principle #6: Uncover Emotions People do things for many different reasons. Very rarely do they do things purely for financial or personal gain. If you learn to identify and speak to these emotions rather than talking about yourself, or about your product, or about your own enterprise, or your own interest, or your own desires They want love. They want happiness. They want distinction. They want wealth. They want comfort. They want security. They want to be special, and they want to be acknowledged.

1.11.7. Principle #7: Don't take people for granted Don't assume you can keep relationships alive without attention The greatest secret to growing and sustaining relationships, and thus, growing and sustaining your own personal and financial success, is to keep reinvesting in them. ..if you devise for yourself an ongoing strategy that keeps adding value, keeps contributing, keeps acknowledging, keeps solving problems, keeps communicating - you're going to have such a strong and growing relationship with everybody you want to have one with in your life, your business, your job, your career, it's unbelievable.

1.11.8. Principle #8: Be Real

1.12. The Essential Keys To Having A Good Reputation

1.12.1. recognizing the other side's expectation, and acknowledging and fulfilling on anypromise you possibly make.

1.12.2. Developing an attitude of promising less and performing more.

1.12.3. Always following up on everything you do

1.13. Your Relationship List

1.13.1. s people in your company

1.13.2. people you've worked with in the past.

1.13.3. family

1.13.4. r friends,

1.13.5. mentors

1.13.6. people you do and have done business with in your personal life

1.14. Your Business Inventory

1.14.1. What other market or industry could use / benefit from my product, selling system or methodologies?

1.14.2. What is the Marginal Net Worth ofmy client / prospect worth to someone else?

1.14.3. What are my highest margin products or services?

1.14.4. What are my highest repeat purchase products or services?

1.14.5. What logical products can I create, acquire, adapt or adopt?

1.14.6. What markets can my products or services also apply to translate to?

1.14.7. What related fields can I penetrate?

1.14.8. What parallel universes are most similar to mine?

1.14.9. What other business markets, products or services have I been thinking about?

1.14.10. Who are the people / businesses I want to reach?

1.14.11. What other products, services and options do people typically purchase prior to buying or using my type of product / service?

1.14.12. Who provides those products / services?

1.14.13. What products / services, etc., do people typically need and/or acquire along with or in order to optimally use my product or service?

1.14.14. Who provides those products / services?

1.14.15. What events, activities or changes typically occur to cause someone to want or need your various products / services?

1.14.16. What other products / services does the key decision maker that I am targeting also buy?

1.14.17. Who provides those products / services?

1.14.18. What assets do I need that I do not have?

1.14.19. What periodicals / advisory materials are used by the market I want to reach?

1.14.20. What problem or opportunity does my product / servIce solve for my prospects/clients?

1.14.21. What other type of business, organization, profession, etc., has more to gain than even I do by seeing me either acquire a client or sell a specific product, service, or combination, and why?

1.15. The Force Multiplier Effect

1.15.1. Force Multiplier Effect is actually a military term.

1.15.2. It's the process of having many different, powerful, penetrating activities on all fronts.

1.15.3. It's attacking a targeted enemy or a target by land, by sea with pre-reconnaissance, intelligence, surface to air... It's getting guerillas working for you internally.

1.15.4. only certainty is that whatever they plan on probably won't happen.

1.15.5. Threefold The whole plan changes the moment the first activity begins. So you have contingency plans and many penetrating fronts All you care about is that you win. Be willing, able and ready to plan on a sequence of communications.

1.16. Scenario #2: For Employees

1.16.1. "IfI can create one or more profit centersfor our business, your business, that costs you nothing where I do all the work to orchestrate it.. .where you have 100% ofthe control. and I can get our current customers buying more. I can get our current customers who haven't purchased in a long time reactivated I can bring in new customers who have never purchased from us before... well as get us penetrating new markets. and get us coming out with fabulous newproducts and services on a continuous basis that make us tons more profit, but in which we have no cost in developing, in manufacturing, in warehousing, in inventory. willyou give me (and you use a percentage) 10%, 15%, 25% ofthe bottom line profit it brings usjor as long as either am here or 1 keep doing it -- particularly as long as I can do my otherjob?"

1.17. Scenario #2: Middle-person

1.17.1. Elevatorspeech "Ifind newprofit centers, new streamsofincome, windfallprofits,overlooked assets, hiddenopportunities, under-performing distribution channels and monumentally more lucrative ways to monetize a company's current business model -- and I do it all on a pure performance basis. "

1.17.2. Make a list of all the things that people or companies buy either before, during and after they make the original purchase.

1.17.3. Make a list of all the demographic factors -- locality, personality, affluence... any demographic or psychographic factor.

1.17.4. Call all the companies in the multiple different types ofbusinesses on the first list. Ask them ifthey currently offer any of the items that you have on your "related purchases" list

1.17.5. Make a subsequent list of all the products and services that go along with their service.

1.17.6. tHE MİDDLE MAN MİNDSET My job is to find business situations that have one- or two-way untapped opportunity that would do three things: First, it would benefit that company's clients or the clients of a partner company ifit set up more than either ofthe two companies Second, I see relationships that they don't. Third, left to their own devices, the odds are exceedingly high that the company that I'm approaching would never do it on their own. Your goal, first of all, is to see and recognize untapped opportunities... overlooked and underdeveloped assets... under-performing activities... undervalued relationships... unrecognized correlations... OR, people who buy this product are probably affluent and/or they probably live in a certain area. Meaning that if people buy this product,they will also buy that product or that service. Avoid The Salesman Trap

1.18. Seven Joint Ventures YOU Can Do

1.18.1. Joint Venture Opportunity #1 inactive buyers Inactive buyers can be a virtual gold mine. there are four reasons they stop: They have an interruption in their life They had a bad experience They outgrew the use of the service It may be the kind of a business and service that needs to be continuously marketed to reactivate. Learn From "The Big Boys" n. If you let that membership or that subscription lapse, over the course ofsix months you may get ten follow-up letters urging you back. But most localized publishers who have subscriptions, service providers who have subscription services, associations.. Realize that with this approach you have an extraordinarily high level ofleverage, because these people have already bought. The Beauty Of "Found Money" When you approach a business owner, or a publisher, or a dentist, you need to show them that their overhead right now is already covered by whatever else they do. If you add one, or ten, or 20 more patients a day, as long as you don't have to add staff, it's "found money." "Free With Your Subscription..." Gifts Sports Illustrated gives you either a radio, binoculars, a set of books or a calculator. It is Relaetion Building e JV or strategic alliance field are going to be the byproduct of building relationships. They may not take a long time, but it is rarely a one shot deal. There is a school ofthought that says, "The greatest revenge is to profit from your enemy." But you can't do that if you never talk to him again" Calll the ex customers Example carpet sales Dentists Script "Look, I am a specialist at getting past, inactive clients or buyers started up again. I am really good at doing it. There is no certainty what the numbers will be, but we can look at your business, and I will do all the work. "We can analyze how many ofthe people you used to sell to tkJn't buy from you anymore. I will spend all the time, the effort and even the expense ofcontacting them on your behalfwith the goal of getting them back on a regular usage schedule. There might be a special application or service that you might do for them instead, or concurrently. For my services, I would like (blank) percentage ofthe money that comes in for (blank) amount oftime. "

1.18.2. Joint Venture Opportunity #2 Share the location businesses or sales organizations that are willing to let you add other categories of products to their offering, or who are willing to let you lease access to their facility s. Starbucks is putting branches in groceries. Flower shops are sticking branches in groceries. Oktostore Video production open place

1.18.3. Joint Venture Opportunity #3 Exhibition model Find the list of exhibitions Rent a place fo a complimentary services Rent the place for 1/10th or 1%4th of the price Then find the local dealers that wantto be there Tom Sawyer Remember the Tom Sawyer School ofBusiness: Control the asset, but let everybody else do all the work

1.18.4. Joint Venture Opportunity #4 Get control of advertising space google addwords 1st and second floor t real estate

1.18.5. Joint Venture Opportunity #5 unused assets I go to companies, large and small, and I identify their obsolete inventory, equipment, and underutilized capacity services. These are often quality people who have a good reputation, but even most quality craftsman can't market or sell their way out of a paper bag. Or they send out a terrible bid that's not marketing-oriented, and they never follow up. Three teams Get one team of people that go out and find the craftsman and women who are good, but are terrible marketers. Get another team ofsalespeople who follow up on the leads. Get a third team of salespeople who go out and make deals for those leads with other noncompetitive craftsman

1.18.6. Joint Venture Opportunity #6 Three types of companies Big National Medium to large regional private companies Little local businesses

1.19. seven principles that will allow you to develop the joint venture mindset.

1.19.1. Principle #1: There are no rules

1.19.2. Principle #2: Wake yourself up from cultural hypnosis and mental myopia. Travel outside of your job. Travel outside ofyour business.

1.19.3. Principle #3: It's easier to make big leaps than little ones Change the strategy. The same effort, the same time, the activity can give you so much more yield, so much more result, so much more effectiveness once you learn the options.

1.19.4. Principle #4: Know how you want to invest your time

1.19.5. Principle #5: From this moment on, step outside of your box. Knock down all the limiting, self-imposed beliefs you have created. Realize that everything and anything truly is possible

1.19.6. Principle #6: Turn obstacles, turn problems into the most leverageable opportunities you possibly have available. Install yourself as the person who looks for a way to solve the difficulty; Instead of looking at the negative side of obstacles, look at all the boundless opportunity it holds for you.

1.19.7. Principle #7: Use the leverage of creative emulation. Let all the successful principles and techniques and strategies that all kinds ofpeople outside of your realm oflife and business have already perfected and developed work for you. Identify them. Study them. Learn them. Question them.

1.20. Your Essential Success Secret: People Buy For Emotional Benefit

1.21. I will normally split profits on at least the first transaction with a new joint venture partner. But I set up deals where all you get is 3% or 5% ofthe revenue, but it is significant and sustaining.

1.21.1. 91

1.22. "Ifyou're not good, great or brilliant at doing any given task, don't even do it. "

1.22.1. Outsource Your Way To Massive Wealth

1.23. Highest and Best Use Theory

1.23.1. Highest and Best Use Theory basically says that your goal in whatever business activity you're in is to get the maximum yield, the maximum result, the maximum payoff, the maximum success from the minimum time, effort, risk, and energy.

1.23.2. You cannot do that until you first understand all of the meaningful options, alternatives, possibilities and dangers surrounding you.

1.24. "Remember, the cost ofinaction can be far greater than the cost ofaction. "

1.25. "Access + Affinity + Delivery =Perfect Setup"

1.25.1. Affinity means the depth ofthe relationship

1.25.2. Access is not as good as affinity, but you at least have access to a desired market.

1.25.3. How are you going to be able to get your opportunity, your proposition delivered?

1.26. 44 Ways

1.26.1. 1-10 1. Very easily established 2. Significantly augments your ordinary selling efforts 3. Drastically increase overall sales and profitability 4. Substantially lowers your barrier of entry into a marketplace or industry 5. Strongly enhances and elevates your Image 6. Expands client base far beyond its current limits 7. Boosts your market presence 8. Provides much-appreciated added value to clients 9. Contribute substantially to perceived client benefits 10. Provides easy entry to emerging markets

1.26.2. 11-20 11 Expand and explodes your horizons 12. Speeds access to wide varieties of new markets 13. Expand significantly beyond your current limited geographic boundaries 14. Gain a firm foothold in international marketplace 15. Control other people's markets 16. Gain a clear competitive advantage 17. Rapidly overpower the competition 18. Almost unlimited joint marketing opportunities 19. Equally unlimited joint selling or distribution opportunities 20. Facilitates design collaboration and enhanced results

1.26.3. 21 - 30 21. Quicker to create/form than mergers 22. Much, much more flexible to operate 23. Far less risky 24. Requires little or no cash 25. Enables favorable control of other's technology license 26. Allows capitalization on others' research and development 27. Greatly enhanced R&D capabilities 28. Access knowledge and expertise far beyond company borders 29. Strengthens your reputation in industry as result of association 30. Extend product offerings to new, previously unattainable goods

1.26.4. 31-40 31. Drastically widens your scope of innovation 32. Firmly establishes your unique position in market 33. Secures your position as front runner in marketplace through preemption marketplace through preemption 34. Provides greatly enhanced marketing /selling ability 35. Easily establish purchasing / supply relationships 36. Set up instant distribution networks 37. Capitalize on hidden assets 38. Earn higher ROl's and ROE's on alliances than from your core/main business 39. Nearly impossible for your competitors to imitate or emulate 40. Remain totally focused on your core opportunity

1.26.5. 41-44 41. Outsourcing non-core competencies Lets you maximize 42. Stretch your management and technical/operational resources 43. Reduce overhead through shared costs and outsourcing 44. Manufacture / fulfill cost effectively

2. Being Preeminent

2.1. Always focus on the best interest of the client

2.2. You had to be there more then a transection

2.3. More connected to your clients

2.4. One of the greast elements of Preminence is shifting your focus from internal to external

2.4.1. You must fall in love withyour client not your company

2.4.2. Organization that is protected by you

2.5. Your reputation precedes you

2.6. PDF

2.6.1. The Seven Secrets of a Strategy of Preeminence Five Pathways to a Strategy of Preeminence 1. Monopoly creating strategies 2. Market transforming strategies 3 Performance-improving strategies 4. Efficiency strategies 5. Trusted advisor strategy. The 7 Secrets of a Strategy of Preeminence 1. Becoming the leader your business needs starts with empathy 2. To get a stuck business unstuck, face reality 3. Declare an Impossible Future or ennobling purpose 4. Segment a high-growth market 5. Create a strategy of preeminence 6. Create a delivery mechanism to match 7. Apply a profit formula

2.7. Video

2.7.1. The Power of Preeminence with Jay Abraham

3. Being Strategic

3.1. Strategy versus tactics

3.2. Leveraging your tactics

3.3. Strategy defined

3.4. Marketing strategy

3.5. The Tactical Touch

4. Three Categories of Business Owners

4.1. The ones who constantly make things happen

4.2. The ones who watch things happen

4.3. The ones whom things are always happening

5. There are three ways to grow a business…any business

5.1. 1.  Increase the number of customers (clients)

5.1.1. Increasing Your Lead or Inquiry Generation Through Referral systems Acquiring clients at break‑even up front and make a profit on the back‑end. Guaranteeing purchases through risk reversal. Host beneficiary relationships. Advertising Using direct mail Using telemarketing Running special events or information nights. Acquiring qualified lists Develop a Unique Selling Proposition Increasing the perceived value of your product/service through better client education Using public relations Increasing sales skill levels of your staff Qualifying leads up front Making irresistible offers Educating your clients by giving reasons why

5.1.2. Increasing your client retention rate by Delivering higher‑than‑expected levels of service Communicating frequently with your clients to "nurture" them

5.1.3. increasing your conversion from inquiry to sale by: increasing sales sills of the stuff

5.2. 2.  Increase the average transaction value

5.2.1. Increase Average Transaction Value Improving your team's selling techniques to up‑sell and cross‑sell Using point‑of‑sale promotions Packaging complementary products and services together Increasing your pricing and hence your margins Changing the profile of your products or services to be more"up market" Offering greater/larger units of purchase

5.3. 3.  Increase the frequency of repurchase or get more residual value out of each client

5.3.1. To Increase Transaction Frequency Focus on Developing a back‑end of products that you can go back to your clients with Communicating personally with your clients (by telephone, letter, etc.) to maintain a positive relationship Endorsing other people's products to your list. Running special events such as "closed door sales," limited pre‑releases, etc. Pre-framing or programming clients Price inducements for frequency

5.4. presentation

5.4.1. Jay Abraham\'s Power Parthanon

5.5. Video

5.5.1. Jay Abraham's 4 SURE-FIRE Business Strategies You Need to Apply TODAY! Deliver higher than expected Jay Abraham's 4 SURE-FIRE Business Strategies You Need to Apply TODAY! Cominucating frequently acquire clients at breakeven upfront make a profit on the backend video Your game is not momentery guaranteeing the sale / risk aversel host beneficiary video İncrease the avarage transection video

6. Optimization

6.1. Picture

6.2. 10% increase equals to 33%

6.3. Video

6.3.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

6.3.2. Minimum Effort, Maximize Results | Jay Abraham on Optimization & Exponential Growth

7. Three Advanced Ways to Grow Your Business

7.1. Acquire new products/services

7.2. Acquire new business entities

7.3. Acquire new markets

8. 3 Reasons for Stagnation

8.1. Not incorporating growth thinking into everything a business owner does

8.2. Not measuring, monitoring, comparing or quantifiying results

8.3. Not having the detailed, strategic marketing plan with specific performance growth expectations.

8.4. Video

8.4.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

9. Maximizing What You Have

9.1. Knowing where you are headed, why, and how best to get their.

9.2. Optimization highest and best use theory

9.3. The art of being unbeatable

9.4. Life time value

9.5. Eliminating the number one obstacle to buyers

10. O.P (Other People's)

10.1. OPM

10.1.1. Other people's money

10.2. OPT

10.2.1. Other people's time

10.3. OPW

10.3.1. Other people's work

10.4. OPE

10.4.1. Other people's experience

10.5. OPI

10.5.1. Other people's ideas

10.6. OPD

10.6.1. Other people's distribution

10.7. OPC

10.7.1. Other people's customers

11. Tunnel Vision VS Funnel Vision

11.1. breakthroughs usually do not come from inside

11.1.1. video Minimum Effort, Maximize Results | Jay Abraham on Optimization & Exponential Growth

11.2. Constantly look outside of your industry

12. Non Listed Strategies and tectics

12.1. Tactics

12.1.1. Lowering Client Resistance Relationship Credibility & Getting Clients In Real Estate

13. 20 Marketing Mistakes

13.1. 1-5

13.1.1. Mistake #1 Not testing all of your marketing ideas Corollary: Test all your marketing

13.1.2. Mistake #2 Running Institutional Advertising Corollary: Run Only Direct Response Advetising

13.1.3. Mistake #3 Not articulating and differentiating your Business. Corollary: Develop a powerful USP and use it in all your marketing

13.1.4. Mistake #4 Not having back-end product or service. Corollary: Create a profitable and systematic back end.

13.1.5. Mistake #5 Not understanding your customer and their needs and desires Corollary: Always determine and address the real needs of your customers and prospects.

13.2. 6-10

13.2.1. Mistake #6 You must educate your way out of business can’t just cut the price. Corollary: Always recognize that you must educate your customer as a part of the marketing and sales process

13.2.2. Mistake #7 Not making doing business with your company easy, appealing and fun. Corollary: Make doing business with your business easy, appealing and fun.

13.2.3. Mistake #8 Not telling your clients the “Reason Why.” Corollary: Always tell your client the “reason why.”

13.2.4. Mistake #9 Terminating marketing campaigns that are still working. Corollary: Don’t stop marketing campaigns that are still working just because you are tired of them.

13.2.5. Mistake #10 Not specifically targeting your marketing. Corollary: When you prepare your marke:ng, focus on the intended prospect and no one else.

13.3. 10-15

13.3.1. Mistake #11 Not capturing prospect & addresses, email addresses as well as pertinent contact information. Corollary: Capture everything on a prospect or client that you can in an organized, retrievable system.

13.3.2. Mistake #12 Not being strategic. Corollary: Always having a strategy which tac:cal actions and methods are integrated into.

13.3.3. Mistake #13 Not having a marketing or sales system. Corollary: Have a marketing and sales system in place and refine it continuously. Using letter/call/letter call or email/letter/call strategies.

13.3.4. Mistake #14 Not taking advantage and integrating the Internet into every aspect of you marketing and sales efforts. Corollary: Integrating the Internet into all your Marketing and sales activities.

13.3.5. Mistake #15 In sales situations, shooting from the hip. Corollary: Constantly using and refining a sales script.

13.4. 16-20

13.4.1. Mistake(#16 Being stuck doing “what works.” Corollary: Always be willing to change.

13.4.2. Mistake #17 Not reinvesting your profits. Corollary: Always parlay your success and momentum into greater achievement.

13.4.3. Mistake #18 Not knowing and leveraging the life time value of a client. Corollary: Always understand the life time value of your clients.

13.4.4. Mistake #19 Corollary: Always explore and maximize your resources, assets and opportuni:es. Not maximizing your assets, relationships, opportunities, resources, etc.

13.4.5. Mistake #20 Treating marketing and sales as operational “silos.” Corollary: Do your best to integrate marketing components into all your operational and backend processes.

14. Maximizing Relational Capital Leverage 44 tactics

14.1. 1-16

14.1.1. 1. Easily established

14.1.2. 2. Augment selling effort

14.1.3. 3. Increase sales and profitability

14.1.4. 4. Lower barrier of entry

14.1.5. 5. Enhance your image, stature, posture

14.1.6. 6. Expand customer client base

14.1.7. 7. Boost marked presence

14.1.8. 8. Provide added value to customers

14.1.9. 9. Contribute substantially to perceived customer benefits

14.1.10. 10. Enter emerging markets

14.1.11. 11. Expand your horizons

14.1.12. 12. Speed access to a wide variety of new markets

14.1.13. 13. Expand beyond geographic boundaries

14.1.14. 14. Gain foothold in international marketplace

14.1.15. 15. Control other peoples’ markets

14.1.16. 16. Gain competitive advantage

14.2. 17-33

14.2.1. 17. Rapidly overpower the competition

14.2.2. 18. Joint marketing

14.2.3. 19. Joint selling or distribution

14.2.4. 20. Design collaboration

14.2.5. 21. Quicker to create/form

14.2.6. 22. More flexible to operate

14.2.7. 23. Less risky

14.2.8. 24. Requires less cash

14.2.9. 25. Technology license

14.2.10. 26. Research and development

14.2.11. 27. Enhance R&D capabilities

14.2.12. 28. Access knowledge and expertise

14.2.13. beyond company borders

14.2.14. 29. Strengthen reputation in industry as result of association

14.2.15. 30. Extend product offerings

14.2.16. 31. Widen your scope of innovation

14.2.17. 32. Establish unique position in market

14.2.18. 33. Secure position as front runner in marketplace

14.3. 34-44

14.3.1. 34. Provide marketing/selling

14.3.2. 35. Easily establish purchasing/supply relationships

14.3.3. 36. Set up instant distribution networks

14.3.4. 37. Capitalize on hidden assets

14.3.5. 38. Earn Higher ROI’s and ROE’s on alliances than from your core/main business

14.3.6. 39. Difficult for your competitors to imitate or emulate

14.3.7. 40. Remain focused on your core opportunity

14.3.8. 41. Outsourcing non-core competencies

14.3.9. 42. Lets you maximize/stretch your management and technical

14.3.10. 43. Reduce overhead through shared costs and outsourcing costs and outsourcing

14.3.11. 44. Manufacture/fulfill cost effectively

15. Multiply Your Maximum Result

15.1. Strategic referral systems

15.2. Credibility building

15.3. Know your goals - - - reverse engineering

15.4. Your definition of success

16. Nine Drivers

16.1. 1. Marketing

16.1.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

16.2. 2. Your strategy

16.2.1. Current Situation The easiest and fastest way to instantly transform your business results is to change the strategy you follow Most companies, by the way, are not even strategic. They are tactical. They are most worried about just generating revenue to fill their overhead needs, to make payroll, to get them through the week, to get them to the next month. Strategy is the master purpose your business is all about. It’s different than your business model. Strategy is literally the explanation of the entire operating approach your business is following and why and how every element of it integrates, advances and deploys the big picture outcome that you’re after.

16.2.2. How do you change strategies? 1.) The first thing is by understanding that you do have strategy you are currently following even if it’s a reactive one. You’ve got to adopt, first and foremost, a proactive long-term strategy. 2.) You’ve got to figure out what it is you’re trying to do, accomplish, build and sustain with your business. 3.) You’ve got to figure what big operating approach will get you the greatest outcome you want in the fastest period of time on the most sustaining and enduring basis. Once you figure that out then you’ve got to think through your tactics.

16.2.3. My recommendation for how you can best change strategy quickly. 1.) Look up the definition for strategy in Webster’s dictionary. 2.) Look up the definition for strategy in a military dictionary. 3.) Look at your current business operations. I will bet money your operations are being run tactically¾meaning all you have driving your business is a commitment to “advertise” or throw a sign up outside your store or send out a few catalogs. That is not a strategy. That is a tactical way to operate your business

16.2.4. Instead, consider the following: Take time to make a list of the highest performing, most impressive, sustaining, successful and formidable companies you know of, inside or outside your industry. Take time to think about what their “big business” strategy really is. What is it they’re trying to do with all the tactics they mount. Take time to think through how they are doing it or accomplishing it. · Then you can break down a combination of a couple of hundred strategies that you’ve identified and you can evaluate which ones But you can’t really build your optimal strategy until you first understand what you’re trying to accomplish and you work backwards like a programmer would who’s trying to create a really powerful piece of software.

16.2.5. Video Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

16.3. 3. Your capital

16.3.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

16.3.2. 3 types of capital human capital intellectual capital financial capital

16.3.3. Training Every dollar you spend in training will produce 20-200 times return annually in yield. So, do you train your people? If so how often or frequently

16.4. 4. Your business model

16.4.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

16.5. 5. Relationships

16.6. 6. Your distribution channels

16.7. 7. Your products and services

16.7.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

16.8. 8. Your processes, your procedures, your systems

16.8.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

16.9. 9. Your Ideology

16.9.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

16.10. Video

16.10.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

16.11. PDF

17. 12 Strategic Pillars

17.1. 1 Continuously iden-fying and discovering hidden assets in your business.

17.2. 2. Mining cash windfalls each and every month out of your business.

17.3. 3. Engineering success into every action you take or decision you make.

17.4. 4. Building your business on a foundation of multiple profit sources instead of depending on one single revenue source.

17.5. 5. Being different, special unique and advantageous in the eyes of your customers.

17.6. 6. Creating real value for your customers and employees for maximum loyalty and results.

17.7. 7. Gaining the maximum personal leverage from every action, investment,time or energy commitment you ever make.

17.8. 8. Networking/masterminding/brainstorming with like - minded, success - driven people who share real life experiences with you.

17.9. 9. Turning yourself into an idea generator and recognized innovator within your industry or market.

17.10. 10. Making “growth-thinking” a natural part of your everyday business philosophy.

17.11. 11. Reversing the risk for both you and your customers in everything you do so the downside is almost zero, and the upside potential nearly infinite

17.12. 12. Using small, safe tests to eliminate dangerous risks and adopting funnel vision instead of tunnel vision in your thinking.

18. Maven Matrix

18.1. 11 Tactics

18.1.1. Step 1: Gain Your Customers’ Trust GENUINELY CARING MORE FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS. It all begins with empathy. You have to articulate your market’s pain points better than they have ever done themselves. hey should feel that you are showing them what they should be doing differently to solve their problems.

18.1.2. Step 2: Establish Your Maven Character If your business would be the subject of a Hollywood movie,What would be the personality of the main character? personality that your customers would like to “befriend.”

18.1.3. Step 3: Create Your Market Vision Clearly, powerful market visions can drive businesses to success. When you develop a market vision, it should be something that you aspire for your market, not for your business. ove your market, your customers first and the big vision will come to you. Example Tom Monahan wants to reinvent pizza delivery into an expedient once which later on put Domino’s Pizza on the map. Fred Smith’s vision was to create a reliable overnight document shipping company to any destination in America which later led to FedEx’s brand promise.

18.1.4. Step 4: Tell Your Creation Story Business management expert Tom Peters once said: “He who has the best story, wins.” video Story is more powerful then the brand Focus on story telling Tell them about your hopes, your dreams, your frustration, why you’re in the business and why you’re in the market you’re in.

18.1.5. Step 5: Create Predictable Behaviors developing your own unique way of communicating with your market. Dickens gave each of his character a unique “verbal tic” so readers can identify who’s speaking the repetitive introduction. When talking to your market — be it through your emails or blog posts — create your own predictable communication behaviors.

18.1.6. Step 6: Become a Polarizing Figure There’s no room for neutrality in the maven marketing approach. Part of being an industry leader is to stand strongly for something and part of this is to stand against something. You will create enemies along the way but you will also win a strong following.

18.1.7. Step 7: Create Your Own Iconic Phraseology one way of solidifying your “claim to the throne” is by inventing your own phrases or terminologies which is basically a unique and distinct way of presenting how you understand things. Jay Abraham owned a long list of things including “The Speed of Trust,” “The Abraham Factor” and “The Strategy of Preeminence” just to name a few.

18.1.8. Step 8: Identify and Use a Signature Communications Channel To be predictable, you have to identify and repetitively use a communications platform or channel that you can own. Do your research and choose your trademark communications platform well.

18.1.9. Step 9: Establish a Velvet Rope Community mavens are able to make their customers or prospects feel. Industry mavens make their customers feel like VIPs,

18.1.10. Step 10: Transform Your Clients into Your Brand Ambassadors Marketing researchers have recently suggested that the future sales growth of a business is directly linked to the number of client evangelists or brand ambassadors that it has. Word of mouth has always been important in marketing, but it’s more important today more than ever. a wow customer experience which naturally converts customers and clients into passionate brand ambassadors

18.1.11. Step 11: Find Yourself a Good Mentor

18.2. Video

18.2.1. Ep 125 IN Focus with Jay Abraham How to Become a Maven

18.3. Medium Article

18.3.1. 11 Steps to Transforming Yourself into an Industry Maven & Earning 100X More

18.4. PDF


18.5. Reports

18.5.1. Market Maven CivicScience | An In-Depth Look at the Market Maven Persona

19. The Power Partheon Strategy

19.1. Picture

19.1.1. The Power Partheon Strategy

19.2. The Power Partheon Strategy

19.2.1. Direct Sales Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

19.2.2. Joint Ventures Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

19.3. PDF

19.3.1. Jay Abraham\'s Power Parthanon

19.4. Video

19.4.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

20. 9 Sticking Points

20.1. 9 Are Your Stuck Still Saying "I Can Do It Myself"

20.1.1. 3 most important functions, your business pays you Breake them to sub elements Value rank them Relavancy Competancy Passion

20.1.2. Hire The best The ones that could be trained

20.2. 1 Are You Stuck Losing Out to the Competition

20.3. 2 Are You Stuck Not Selling Enough

20.4. 3 Are You Stuck with Erratic Business Volume

20.5. 4 Are You Failing to Strategize

20.6. 5 Are You Stuck with Cosrs Eating Up All Your Profits

20.7. 6 Are You Stuck Still Doing What's not Working

20.8. 7 Are You Stuck Being Marginalized by the Market Place

20.9. 8 Are You Stuck with Mediocre Marketing

20.10. 9 Are you stuck with doing everthing yourself

20.11. Video

20.11.1. Ten Proven Paths to Exponential Growth - presented by Jay Abraham 5/9/2018

20.12. The sticking point solution

20.12.1. 9

21. If Jay Abraham had to pick one strategy

21.1. Joint Venture

21.1.1. If Jay Abraham had to pick one strategy

22. Videos

22.1. This ONE Marketing STRATEGY Will Replace EVERYTHING Else! | Jay Abraham on Preeminence

22.2. Jay – Back to Basics Video Series

22.2.1. Introduction to Core Principles Part 1 Back to Basics: Introduction to Core Principles Part 1

22.2.2. Back to Basics: Optimization Part 2 Back to Basics: Optimization Part 2

22.2.3. Back to Basics: Testing Measurement Part 3 Back to Basics: Testing Measurement Part 3

22.2.4. Back to Basics: Growth Strategies Part 4 Back to Basics: Growth Strategies Part 4

22.2.5. Back to Basics: Lifetime Value Part 5 Back to Basics: Lifetime Value Part 5

22.2.6. 50 Shades of Jay #18 - Crazy Eights - Jay Abraham |

22.3. Ethical Persuasion

22.3.1. Ethical Persuasion (Part 1) The Science of PERSUASION in Marketing | Jay Abraham on Ethical Persuasion (Part 1)

22.3.2. Ethical Persuasion (Part 2) How to PROGRAM People to Take Action Now! | Jay Abraham on Ethical Persuasion (Part 2)

22.3.3. Ethical Persuasion (Part 3) Jay Abraham on Ethical Persuasion part 3

22.3.4. Ethical Persuasion (Part 4) Jay Abraham on Ethical Persuasion part 4

22.3.5. Ethical Persuasion (Part 5) Jay on Ethical Persuasion part - 5

22.4. 4 SURE-FIRE Strategie

22.4.1. Jay Abraham's 4 SURE-FIRE Business Strategies You Need to Apply TODAY!

23. 93 Refferal Systems

23.1. video

23.1.1. Earn Millions : 93 Extraordinary Referral System

24. 13 Behaviors of High Trust Leaders

24.1. Picture

24.1.1. 13 Behaviors of High Trust Leaders

24.2. Video

24.2.1. 13 Behaviors of High Trust Leaders

24.3. PDF


24.4. Article and video from 50ty shades of Jay

24.4.1. 50 Shades of Jay #16 - The "Swiss Army Knife" Shade - Jay Abraham |

25. Top TEN Book List

25.1. 1. Think and Grow Rich NapoleanHill

25.2. 2. Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got — Jay Abraham

25.3. 3. Rich Dad Poor Dad — Robert Kiyosaki

25.4. 4. The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People — Stephen Covey

25.5. 5. Awaken the Giant Within — Anthony Robbins

25.6. 6. The Holy Bible — Various Authors

25.7. 7. How to Win Friends and Influence People — Dale Carnegie

25.8. 8. The Ultimate Sales Machine — Chet Holmes

25.9. 9. The 4-Hour Work Week — Tim Ferris

25.10. 10. *There was a four-way tie:

25.10.1. Good to Great — Jim Collins

25.10.2. Unlimited Power — Anthony Robbins

25.10.3. The Sticking Point Solution — Jay Abraham

25.10.4. The Richest Man in Babylon — George Clason

26. A life unexamined not worth living / Socrates

26.1. Quote

27. seven principles that will allow you to develop the joint venture mindset.

27.1. Principle #1: There are no rules

27.2. Principle #2: Wake yourself up from cultural hypnosis and mental myopia.

27.2.1. Travel outside of your job.

27.2.2. Travel outside ofyour business.

27.3. Principle #3: It's easier to make big leaps than little ones

27.3.1. Change the strategy. The same effort, the same time, the activity can give you so much more yield, so much more result, so much more effectiveness once you learn the options.

27.4. Principle #4: Know how you want to invest your time

27.5. Principle #5: From this moment on, step outside of your box.

27.5.1. Knock down all the limiting, self-imposed beliefs you have created.

27.5.2. Realize that everything and anything truly is possible

27.6. Principle #6: Turn obstacles, turn problems into the most leverageable opportunities you possibly have available.

27.6.1. Install yourself as the person who looks for a way to solve the difficulty;

27.6.2. Instead of looking at the negative side of obstacles, look at all the boundless opportunity it holds for you.

27.7. Principle #7: Use the leverage of creative emulation.

27.7.1. Let all the successful principles and techniques and strategies that all kinds of people outside of your realm of life and business have already perfected and developed work for you. Identify them. Study them. Learn them. Question them.