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Writing af Mind Map: Writing

1. Handwriting

1.1. Personal Information

1.2. Cursive Signature

2. Paragraph Preparation

2.1. SWAG Sentences

2.2. Jumbled Sentences

2.2.1. iPads

2.3. Sentence Play

2.4. Types of Sentences

2.4.1. Exclamatory

3. Types of Writing

3.1. Narrative

3.1.1. Personal Narratives

3.1.2. Picture Book A Day

3.2. Persuasive

3.2.1. Opinions & Persuasian

3.3. Descriptive

3.3.1. Summaries

3.4. Expository

3.4.1. Informational Text

3.5. Poetry

4. Leisure

4.1. Social Media

4.1.1. Facebook

4.1.2. Instagram

4.2. Email

4.2.1. Setting up an Account

4.2.2. Sending an Email

5. Editing Skills

5.1. Daily Language Review

5.2. Grammar Puzzles

5.3. Teacher's Choice

5.4. Grammar Tutorial

5.5. Punctuation Practice

5.5.1. Exclamation Mark

5.6. Grammar

5.6.1. Adjectives

6. Teacher Resources

6.1. Symbaloo

6.2. Google Drive

6.3. Grammar Rock

6.4. LearnZillion

6.5. Curriculum Corner

6.6. Pinterest

6.6.1. Pinterest Shared Folder

6.7. Parts of Speech

7. Vocabulary

7.1. MobMax

7.2. Vocabulary City

7.3. Vocabulary A to Z

8. Assessments

8.1. Brigance Inventory of Transition Skills

8.2. MobyMax