Is a stalker a sociopath?

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Is a stalker a sociopath? af Mind Map: Is a stalker a sociopath?

1. How dangerous can a stalker be?

1.1. Can they be deadly?

2. What do stalkers do?

2.1. What extremes have stalkers been to?

3. Different types of stalkers

3.1. The rejected stalker

3.2. The resentful stalker

3.3. The intimacy seeking stalker

3.4. The predator

3.5. The incompetent

4. Who becomes the stalker?

4.1. Is it the quiet person, the loud person, or the person in the middle of those?

5. Counter Argument

5.1. Find reasons why stalkers are not sociopaths

6. When to be concerned

6.1. When you yourself are scared

6.2. More on "when to be concerned"

7. Traits in a sociopath

7.1. Find traits

8. Similarities between sociopaths and stalkers

8.1. Similar traits

9. Common traits in a stalker

9.1. Obsessiveness

10. Sociopaths

10.1. Definition: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

11. Why people stalk

11.1. Reasons?