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ROM COM af Mind Map: ROM COM

1. Characters

1.1. Couple

1.1.1. Originally don't know each other/don't get on?

1.1.2. Usually young and attractive

1.2. Children

1.3. Parents

2. Sound Design

2.1. Diegetic sound- conveys what is really going on

2.1.1. Laughter

2.1.2. Noises of street etc

2.1.3. Crying

2.2. Non-Diegetic

2.2.1. Romantic slow music

2.2.2. Fast paced, upbeat music

3. Editing

3.1. Continuity- helps carry along story line

3.2. Montage- shows time passing in relationship

3.3. Split screen- shows different perspectives

4. Camera Techniques

4.1. Close up

4.1.1. Shows emotion/phone screen etc

4.2. Panning

4.3. Forward tracking

4.4. Manual focus

5. Iconography

5.1. Flowers

5.2. Kissing scene

5.3. Argument and make up scene

5.4. Comical situations

6. Themes

6.1. Romance

6.2. Heartbreak

6.3. Comedy

6.4. Enemies turned to couple

7. Setting

7.1. Beach

7.2. Christmas time? (associated with love)

7.3. Valentines day?

7.4. Big city?

8. Mise-En-Scene

8.1. Flowers

8.2. Candles

8.3. Church

8.4. Jewellery

8.4.1. Ring

8.5. Costume

8.5.1. Dresses/skirts etc

8.5.2. Jeans, hoodies etc, casual

9. Cinematography

9.1. Lighting

9.1.1. Natural

9.1.2. Candle light