Themes of Geography

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Themes of Geography von Mind Map: Themes of Geography

1. Globalization

1.1. Internet, global trade

1.1.1. Social media

1.2. Outsorcing jobs

1.2.1. Trump campaign

1.2.2. Cheap products

2. Food

2.1. Import and Exports

2.2. GMOs

2.2.1. Natural food vs processed

3. Power and Politics

3.1. Political boarders

3.2. Countries need resources to survive

3.2.1. Japan WW2

3.2.2. Trade and Treaties

4. Gender

4.1. Changing government and equality laws

4.2. Politicians use gender as a platform

5. Population

5.1. Who lives where

5.2. Why people live there

5.2.1. Food, water, trade

5.3. Changing growth ratte

5.3.1. 9 Billion by 2050

6. Urbanization

6.1. Overpopulation

6.1.1. Sickness, homelessness

6.2. Polution

6.3. Economic consequences

6.3.1. Less agriculture

7. Climate Change

7.1. Changing landscape

7.2. Economic effects

7.2.1. Food

8. Development

8.1. Social development

8.1.1. More liberal and progessive

8.2. Industrial development

8.2.1. Increased polution

9. Water

9.1. Trade and Ports

9.1.1. Major cities on water London, NYC, Philly etc

9.2. Drinking water vs Dirty water

9.3. Water as a food source