Bicycle Queensland

Map of Bicycle Queensland's Connected Learning Network

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Bicycle Queensland von Mind Map: Bicycle Queensland

1. Participants & Stakeholders

1.1. As a non-profit advocacy group, BQ relies on engagement with a wide range of participants from the cycling community for promotion and participation but also, importantly, from government and community organisations that impact on cyclist safety and enjoyment.

1.2. Individual Cyclists

1.2.1. Commuters

1.2.2. Racing competitors

1.2.3. School students

1.2.4. Recreational riders Road cyclists Casual riders

1.3. Government

1.4. Cycling Clubs

1.5. Event organisers

1.6. Volunteers

2. Production Centred

2.1. Content produced is directed toward community safety, advocacy for cyclists, up-skilling cyclists and community engagement in events and lifestyle and relies on largely digital communication.

2.2. Digital Content

2.2.1. News, Updates and Announcements

2.2.2. Education Tutorials Videos and Images Chat Blogs Forums

2.2.3. Campaigns and Projects External sites and links

2.2.4. Surveys Community feedback

2.3. Physical Participation

2.3.1. Skill Workshops

2.3.2. Events and Competitions

3. Interest Driven

3.1. Cycling

3.1.1. News and Updates

3.1.2. Events and Opportunities

3.1.3. Sharing videos, Images and experience

3.1.4. Membership - Insurance

3.1.5. Information, Advice and Support

3.1.6. Products and Services

4. Learning Oriented

4.1. Education

4.1.1. Skill Development

4.1.2. Bike purchasing advice

4.1.3. Bike maintenance

4.1.4. Maps and ride options

4.1.5. Road Rules and Safety

4.1.6. Legal Assistance

4.1.7. Events and promotions

4.1.8. Road Rules

4.1.9. Public and Government

4.2. BQ focuses on educating the public, the cycling community and government about the importance of safety and the promotion of cycling by offering skill development and advice to riders of all ages and levels of experience.

5. Peer Supported

5.1. Administrators

5.1.1. Advocacy

5.1.2. Connect members and cycling community

5.1.3. Organise volunteers

5.1.4. Engagement with public

5.2. Cycling Community

5.2.1. Support

5.2.2. Advice

5.2.3. Connect to clubs

5.2.4. Updates

5.2.5. Events promotion

5.2.6. Information sharing

5.2.7. News and updates

5.2.8. Education

5.3. Public engagement

5.3.1. BQ relies on community support and feedback on issues and updates concerning the cycling community in QLD. It also acts as a hub connecting individuals cyclists, clubs and organisations.

5.3.2. Promote cycling Lifestyle Feedback New and Updates Education

6. Shared Purpose

6.1. Support, Safety and Advocacy

6.1.1. Edcuation

6.1.2. Campaigns and Projects

6.1.3. Feedback

6.2. Engagement and Promotion

6.2.1. Lifestyle

6.2.2. Events

6.3. BQ promotes engagement in the cycling community by encouraging a healthy lifestyle and emphasising importance of wellbeing. They also share and address cyclist concerns for community safety through education and advocacy.

7. Openly Networked

7.1. Facebook

7.2. Website

7.2.1. Public Service Anouncements

7.2.2. Links to services Legal and emotional support Advocacy and campaigns

7.3. Twitter

7.4. LinkedIn

7.4.1. Employment oppotunities

7.4.2. Volunteer experience

7.5. External sites and services

7.5.1. Community feedback and engagement, e.g. Survey Monkey

7.5.2. Government sites

7.5.3. Cycling Clubs

7.6. BQ offers public access to information and news relating to safety, regulations and services impacting cyclists and also offers membership for insurance and engagement purposes.