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My List von Mind Map: My List

1. Hobbies

1.1. Learn to play three new songs a month

1.2. Practice vocal techniques

1.3. Experiment with music technology

1.4. Read every night before bed

1.5. Explore new book genres

1.6. Bike around for fun

1.7. Explore restaurants in the area

1.8. Cook a nice meal 4 times a week

2. Faith

2.1. Church every sunday

2.2. Join church band

2.3. Join a bible study

2.4. Establish relationships

2.5. Use more free time to practice faith

3. Financial

3.1. Keep record of income and expenses

3.2. Establish savings

3.3. Save up to buy a house

3.4. Ask for a raise and more responsibility

3.5. Shop more frugally

3.6. Have an investment portfolio

4. Family

4.1. Fall in love

4.2. Get married

4.3. Have 2 or 3 kids

4.4. Stay connected with parents and siblings

5. For Fun

5.1. Get a tattoo

5.2. Join a band

5.3. play live music

5.4. Go on dates

5.5. Meet new people

5.6. Travel

5.6.1. Florida

5.6.2. U.K

5.6.3. Spain

5.6.4. Denmark

5.6.5. Italy

5.6.6. France

5.6.7. Greece

5.6.8. New York

5.6.9. Texas

5.6.10. Canada

5.7. Learn a new instrument

5.8. Get a pet

5.9. Get a massage

5.10. Spend days at the ocean

5.11. Have a cheat day (eat anything)

5.12. Build something

5.13. Create something artistic

6. Health & Fitness

6.1. Bench Press 225 lbs

6.2. Squat 315 lbs

6.3. Dead-lift 365 lbs

6.4. Intermittent fasting

6.5. Experiment with different routines

6.6. Bike every day

6.7. Take daily vitamins and supplements

6.8. Go to gym 6 days a week

6.9. Cut 10 lbs of fat

6.10. Ketogenic Diet

7. Education

7.1. Graduate SU

7.2. Do research on topics I am interested in

7.3. 4.0 GPA for final semester

8. Retirement

8.1. Own land

8.1.1. Farm

8.1.2. Lease

8.1.3. Build

8.2. Have a cabin in the north

8.3. Have a beach house in florida

9. Career

9.1. Start a business

9.1.1. Property management

9.1.2. Rental housing

9.1.3. Market to college students

9.1.4. Furnished living spaces

9.1.5. Make connections for contractors

9.1.6. Find clients that need help leasing properties

9.2. Utilize Information systems background

9.3. Create apps for use in my business