Block 2

Descripción del bloque 2 y las Tag Questions

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Block 2 von Mind Map: Block 2

1. Tag Question

1.1. what are tag questions?

1.1.1. Tag questions are small questions that we ask ourselves when something is not clear to us Example: I know you love me, Don´t you?

1.1.2. The tag question is also a small negative question when we affirm something and it can also be a small affirmative when we deny something. Note: to correctly perform a Tag question we have to start from subject and verb and then we will make an inversion, but also when we find nouns we replace them with pronouns.

1.1.3. now I will show some examples in the main verb tenses

1.1.4. Tag Question Verb Be{ You are my student, aren´t you? Paul is a good boy, isn´t he? The pencil is on the desk, isn’t it? The verb to be (am, is, are) + not + personal pronoun is written when the sentence is affirmative: The pencil is on the desk, right? (The pencil is on the desk, right?) The verb to be (am, is, are) + personal pronoun is written when the sentence is negative: The pencil is not on the desk, is it? (The pencil is not on the desk, is it?) In both cases, it is possible to use contractions: it is not (it is not), it is not (it is not)

1.1.5. The auxiliary verb do or does + not + personal pronoun is written when the sentence is affirmative: She reads the newspaper every day, doesn’t she? (Ella lee el periódico cada día, ¿verdad?)

1.1.6. Tag Question Present Simple{ You don´t speak english, do you? She wears uniform, doesn´t she? The auxiliary verb do or does + personal pronoun is written when the sentence is negative: She doesn’t read the newspaper every day, does she? (Ella no lee el periódico cada día, ¿verdad?)

1.1.7. Tag Question Future Simple{ They will visit us soon, Won´t they? For this topic it is necessary to remember that we have two basic ways to express the future tense in English: 1.- With the assistant "Will" 2.- With the form "Going to" Examples of future Tag Questions will be determined by these two main ways. Simple future of the verb "be" (will) George will be in the party, won't he? (George estará en la fiesta, ¿no?) The car won't be at the paint shop today, will it? (El auto no estará en el taller de pintura hoy, ¿verdad?) Simple future of the verb "be" with Going to (am / is / are) Laura is going to be in the team, isn't she? (Laura va a estar en el equipo, ¿cierto?) The Smiths aren't going to be on vacation next week, are they? (Los Smith no van a estar de vacaciones la próxima semana, ¿verdad?)

1.1.8. Tag Question Present Perfect{ Ana has broken her leg, hasn´t she? The auxiliary verb is written have (for I, you, we, they) or has (for he, she, it) + not + personal pronoun when the sentence is affirmative: She has finished her homework, hasn’t she? (Ella ha terminado su tarea, ¿verdad?) The auxiliary verb is written have (for I, you, we, they) or has (for he, she, it) + personal pronoun when the sentence is negative: She hasn’t finished her homework, has she? (Ella no ha terminado su tarea, ¿verdad?) In both cases, it is possible to use the contractions: haven’t (have not) and hasn’t (has not)

2. Negative: Didn´t used to go, Example: "I didn´t used to reading when I was fifteen years old" "We didn´t used to watch television in the morning" "In the past didn´t used to have cars" "My friends and I didn't used to be very behaved in high school"

3. "Used to + Verb"

3.1. I You He She It We You They

3.1.1. Affirmative: Used to, Example: "I used to run in the park when I was fifteen years old" "Lauren used to go to the beach every day" "People used to send messages by telegrama" "I used to listen to a lot of rock in Spanish when I was fourteen years old"

3.1.2. Interrogative: in the case of the interrogative form, the auxiliary Did is used before the subject, Example: Did they use to go to the amusement park? What did you use to wear when you were in the navy? Did you use to exercise when young? you used to be very loving when you had a girlfriend?

4. I used to play

4.1. I used to play soldiers with my cousins ​​when we were children

4.2. I used to play video games all day

4.3. I used to play soccer when I was in high school

4.4. Use this structure to talk about past habits, usual manners

4.5. I used to play doctor with my sister

4.6. I used to play Basketball in elementary school

4.7. I used to play wrestling with my dad when I was a kid