Energy Sources

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Energy Sources von Mind Map: Energy Sources

1. Elastic Energy - Sarah W

1.1. Elastic Energy is created when an object deforms to pressure/force

1.2. The energy is stored until the pressure/force is removed

1.3. The deformation could involve compressing, stretching or twisting the object.

1.4. An object can only be deformed to an extent, this extent is the amount of energy it can hold

1.5. A good example of elastic energy is a slingshot, the pull back on the elastic creates tension which on release pushes the object out of the slingshot with force.

2. potential energy Jacob

2.1. potential energy is energy that is about to be used

2.2. when you pull the string to a bow and arrow it creates potential energy

2.3. Potential energy also includes other forms. The energy stored between the plates of a charged capacitor is electrical potential energy.

2.4. (Everything delated this is all i could get up by then of the hour)

3. Electromagnetic energy

3.1. Electromagnetic energy travels in electromagnetic waves, the longer these waves are the lower the frequency.

3.2. Types of electromagnetic waves

3.2.1. Radio waves transmit data, they are the longest electromagnetic waves and the lowest frequency

3.2.2. Micro waves can cook food, transmit data and used in weather radars.

3.2.3. There are two types of infrared waves, near and far. Near waves have a lower frequency than far waves. Near infrared waves are used to send signals from tv remotes, automatic car keys, etc. Far infrared waves give off heat.

3.2.4. Visible light waves are the only electromagnetic waves that people can see.

3.2.5. Ultraviolet light waves are used in powerful telescopes to see far into space, and ultraviolet rays from the sun are what cause sunburn. Fun fact: ultraviolet light can be seen by bumblebees.

3.2.6. X-rays have very small wavelengths and are able to go through skin and muscles to take pictures of bones in x-ray machines.

3.2.7. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength of all electromagnetic waves, which means they have the highest frequency. They are used sometimes to treat cancer and they are emitted from large nuclear explosions.

4. Electrical Energy (Sam.M)

4.1. What is it?

4.1.1. Electrical energy is defined as the energy generated by the movement of electrons from one point to another.

4.1.2. Electricity is a type of energy that comes from electrical energy.

4.2. How does it work?

4.2.1. When the electrons move from one place to another round a circuit, they each carry electrical energy to charge the source .

4.2.2. The amount of energy depends on the speed of the charges – the faster they move, the more electrical energy they carry.

4.3. Examples

4.3.1. Lightning

4.3.2. Battery

5. Sound Energy (wyatt)

5.1. Sound is something that you can hear everyday.

5.2. Sound can be made by lots of thing one of these sounds is something that blows up become an explosion. And that will be a big noise/sound.

6. the energy is

7. Chemical energy- evie

7.1. what is it

7.1.1. Chemical energy can be released in the form of heat, this happens when a chemical reaction occurs. These reactions are called exothermic.

7.1.2. Chemical energy is a form of energy that is stored in bonds between atoms and molecules.

7.1.3. Forms of energy can either be potential energy or kinetic energy, chemical energy is a type of potential energy because it is stored in bonds.

7.2. how does it work

7.2.1. A chemical reaction occurs when atoms are formed or broken which releases chemical energy.

7.3. everyday examples

7.3.1. food

7.3.2. batteries

7.3.3. wood burning

8. Gravitational Energy

8.1. How does it work

8.1.1. Created by the Earth or other objects that can produce a significant amount of gravity. An object's height above the ground gives it gravitational energy.

8.2. What is it

8.2.1. The potential energy a physical object with mass has in relation to another massive object due to gravity. It’s dependant on the masses of two bodies, their distance apart and the gravitational constant.

8.3. Example

8.3.1. A pendulum Transfers gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy, and back again. When the circle is at the highest point of its swing, it has no kinetic energy, and its gravitational potential energy is at a maximum. As the circle goes down, gravitational potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy, and the circle accelerates. At the bottom of its swing, the circle’s kinetic energy is at a maximum and its gravitational potential energy is at a minimum. As the circle swings upwards, its kinetic energy is transferred to gravitational potential energy again. At the top of its swing, it once again has no kinetic energy, but its gravitational potential energy is at a maximum.

8.4. By Finnegan Barnes :)

9. Nuclear energy - Georgia N

9.1. what is it

9.1.1. nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus (core) of an atom. atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe.

9.2. how does it work

9.2.1. in nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, realising evergy. nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to produce energy.

9.3. examples of nuclear energy

9.3.1. electrisity

9.3.2. nuclear weapons

9.3.3. space exploration

9.3.4. nuclear medication

9.3.5. food treatments

10. Radiant energy by Isaac

10.1. what is it?

10.1.1. Radiant energy is the energy in electromagnetic waves. Radiant energy can travel through space. For example, we receive most of our energy from the sun which is located several million Kilometers from our planet. We receive the heat from the sun via radiation. The heat is transferred through the vacuum in space.

10.2. how does it work

10.2.1. Radiant energy is the energy that comes from the sun we receive the heat and light from the sun through electromagnetic waves in a huge vacuum. The energy is most commonly used for solar energy, heating and lighting and less commonly for other things such as telecommunications.

10.3. everyday examples

10.3.1. Solar energy such as solar powered houses, lights, batteries and even pools. Other fields such as radiometry, telecommunications, heating and lighting

11. Movement