THE SECRET To Negotiating

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THE SECRET To Negotiating von Mind Map: THE SECRET To Negotiating

1. 1 Burning bridges because of emotions

1.1. To avoid it learn to be genuinely curious

1.1.1. This mind set is close to mindset of FLOW

1.1.2. You never feel backed in to a corner

1.1.3. You will never blowup a bridge

1.1.4. Threating situation Procurement Negotiators Procurement negotiators feared because of that they are very pushy. They are constantly backed into corner by their employers It's one of the toughest jobs out there They are probably make treats Treat to treat is negative Of somebody is treating you stay in the curious mindset

1.1.5. In a threat situation answer with the curios mindset "what kind of pressure you are under"/ "Sounds like you are under in pressure"

1.2. Video

1.2.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

2. 2 How do you separate that emotional part

2.1. Video

2.1.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

2.2. You have three choices

2.2.1. Stay even

2.2.2. Be worse

2.2.3. Get batter

2.2.4. Two of them require effort stay even

2.3. amigdala

2.3.1. 75% of the real estate delicate to negative toughts

2.3.2. To live from running away from the soothsayer

2.4. Gratitude

2.4.1. is a great emotional act

2.4.2. You write three things that you are grateful

2.4.3. It's emotional and spiritual hygiene

2.4.4. You need every day like brushing your teeth or having a bath

2.4.5. If you to not do it everyday you deteriorate

3. 3 As a FBI agent how often did you fall backwards to negative state?

3.1. I never did it. I did get mad wit my bosses

3.2. Video

3.2.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

4. 4 For basic negotiations?

4.1. Video

4.1.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

4.2. Recognition and being personal

4.3. Everybody what to be acknowledged

4.4. Why positivity works Shawn Achor we are 31% smarter

4.4.1. Shawn Achor TED Talk The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor

4.5. Bono " If i could find a way to share a laugh with them early with them. The Chance to come with up deal increases

4.6. Tactical empathy works / Because you choose the positive way

5. 5 What are your findings since the book's publishing?

5.1. First / procurement specialist have a hard job

5.2. Second/ Fake deals

5.2.1. Fake deals are more than 20%

5.2.2. How to eliminate the non buyers Reverse why question to have a better answer / Why do you choose us Two emotional buttons pressed The word why creates defensiveness Reverse cycology Vision drives Decision Video If they do not have a vision of doing business with you you can't put it there Your most valuable commodity is time You can't get it right now do not chase every opportunity video What if we are new to business video Demonstrate that you know the topic that you are working

5.2.3. What is a fake deal? need you as a competing deal Consulting

5.2.4. Video THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

5.3. Video

5.3.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

6. 6 What are the most common negotiations that everyone goes through daily basis

6.1. Never been mean to somebody who could hurt you with out doing something

6.1.1. Flip side is they could do something that could help you

6.1.2. Recognition

6.1.3. Understanding

6.2. video

6.2.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

7. 7. What is the formula to get people to do things just because they feel like it

7.1. Smiling

7.1.1. neuro science behind the smile

7.1.2. You hit their mirror neurons immediately and you start to smile in their brain Smile is an involuntary response

7.2. Your inner voice betrays your outer voice

7.2.1. They are going to feel your inner voice

7.2.2. The greatest negotiators in the world maximize the use of body language and the mood. You can learn it Practice matters / Blue Angels practice 63 or 64 times to put it into your brain Daniel Coil talent code Video Deep Practice / Practice slow Practice Slow ! Labeling Every try you make you make a stronger electrical circuit in the neurons A Great business deal is alignment of core values Video

7.2.3. video THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

7.3. Neuro Science is picking it up the response

7.4. Video

7.4.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

8. 8 What is that person feel on the other side when you show your attempt to empathy

8.1. They feel connected, they feel seen

8.2. If you feel connected and listened to you could go back try to understand why they do it

8.3. Every human being will hurt you

8.3.1. miss interpretion

8.3.2. by accident

8.3.3. on purpose

8.4. If I hurt somebody i want to know

8.5. The why behind Chris Voss's FBI Carrier

8.5.1. Hurting someone without knowing

8.5.2. Forgiveness and saying sorry to the ones behave like a jerk

8.5.3. Getting so close to the hot button.

8.5.4. Video THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

8.6. Video

8.6.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

9. 9 How do you take Criticism ?

9.1. Criticism is mostly fear driven

9.2. It is a form of advice

9.3. It becomes an addiction for some people

9.4. Every hater there is going to be 10 people on your side

9.5. video

9.5.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

10. 10 What is a role playing exercise that anyone can do it with a friend?

10.1. Try to get magic two words "that's right" by summarizing what they told

10.2. Summarize their point of view

10.2.1. walk em up with a summarize

10.3. video

10.3.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

11. 11 How important is the intention before the negotiation

11.1. Video

11.1.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

11.2. Hotel Tactic :)

11.2.1. Emotional anchoring No price anchoring Start with the negative attitude but finish with the positive Last impression like law of gravity, last impression must be positive Video THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

11.2.2. Video THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

11.3. Emotional anchoring

11.4. Emotional anchoring

12. 12 In longtime negotiations how do you finalize it ?

12.1. Start with emotional anchoring / Preserve the memories i am going out of it.

12.2. Finishing with positive impression

12.3. Lat words should be positive

12.4. Video

12.4.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

13. 13 What is something you did as a hostage negotiator works now in negotiatons

13.1. video

13.1.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

14. 14 What's the best approach when you want to buy something without being so needy

14.1. Make them say or use all the things that make the price so high at the beginning

14.2. 8 mile rule say it first

14.2.1. 8 Mile - Ending Battles (4K/UHD)

14.3. If you want to buy my company what is the best approach.

14.3.1. appreciation

14.3.2. Lowering your expectations by emotional anchoring

14.3.3. No answer question

14.3.4. Use fear of lost ıf the company value is 9 And you have 8 with out you it could be 15 and with you it is 40 use the fear of lost. Use future pie

14.3.5. Reframing People always framed on a wrong thing Almost always framed on today appose to where can be tommorow

14.3.6. Video THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

14.4. video

14.4.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

15. 16 What is your definition of greatness

15.1. Having a sense of what you can be

15.2. Having a sense of going after

15.3. Video

15.3.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes

16. 15 If it is your last day on the world what would be the three lessons you would like to share

16.1. Be curious

16.1.1. learn more

16.2. Be nicer

16.2.1. wound less

16.3. Be grateful

16.3.1. you would recover faster

16.4. Video

16.4.1. THE SECRET To Negotiating In Business & Life TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS | Chris Voss & Lewis Howes