Network of Connections

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Network of Connections von Mind Map: Network of Connections

1. Networking/ Community Contacts

1.1. Prospect/Referral Source _____________

1.2. Prospect/Referral Source _____________

1.3. Prospect/Referral Source _____________

1.4. Prospect/Referral Source _____________

2. Strategic Alliances

2.1. Accountant #1_______________

2.1.1. Referral_____________

2.2. Accountant #2_______________

2.2.1. Referral_____________

2.3. Bank Loan Officer_______________

2.3.1. Referral_____________

2.4. Estate Planning Attorney_____________

2.4.1. Referral_____________

2.5. Divorce Attorney_____________

2.5.1. Referral_____________

2.6. Other Professional_____________

2.6.1. Referral_____________

3. Client Advocates

3.1. Client _______________

3.1.1. Referral_____________

3.2. Client _______________

3.2.1. Referral_____________

3.3. Client _______________

3.3.1. Referral_____________

3.4. Client _______________

3.4.1. Referral_____________

3.5. Client _______________

3.5.1. Referral_____________

4. LinkedIn Leads

4.1. Prospect _____________

4.2. Prospect _____________

4.3. Prospect _____________

4.4. Prospect _____________

4.5. Prospect _____________