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UWC Profile von Mind Map: UWC Profile

1. Principled

1.1. How we are principled at home

1.1.1. respect your family members

1.1.2. respect guests when they come

1.1.3. we are aware that our actions lead to consequenses

1.2. How we are principled at school

1.2.1. we respect teachers class mates and parents who come to visit

1.2.2. we listen to people when they are talking

1.2.3. we realize that our actions lead to certain consequenses

1.3. linking to the profile

1.3.1. integrity be honest with yourself

1.3.2. honesty telling the truth no matter how bad it is

1.3.3. responsiblity being responsibele and trusting yourself

1.3.4. respect Being responsible and not being silly

1.3.5. fairness being fair and not being selfish

1.4. act with integrity and respect for self and the dignity of others

2. resilient

2.1. how we are resilient at home

2.1.1. when we are scared we take a risk

2.1.2. we don't rely on someone to do something for us we take the challenges

2.2. how we are resilient at school

2.2.1. if someone gives you a challenge you don't back down and believe in yourself

2.2.2. if you get work that you don't know how to do give it your best go

2.3. linking to the profile

2.3.1. optimist being positive

2.3.2. confidence beleving in yourself

2.3.3. courage strength in yourself and believing you can do it

2.3.4. diligence being careful

2.3.5. perseverance facing challenges in life

2.4. I anticipate, preserve and confront challenges

3. Critical thinker

3.1. How we are a critical thinker in class

3.1.1. we are fair to our teacher and classmates by listening on the carpet

3.1.2. we think deeply into things and ask questions if we need to

3.1.3. we post-it note while we read

3.1.4. we post-it note while we read

3.2. how we are a critical thinker at home

3.2.1. we post-it note while we read

3.2.2. we ask questions to our siblings and parents

3.2.3. we are fair to our siblings

3.3. Linking to the profile

3.3.1. inquiry being curios

3.3.2. questioning asking questions

3.3.3. connection relating something to something else

3.3.4. analysis looking at something and think deeper

3.3.5. synthesis put information together and think about it

3.3.6. evaluation making a judgement about something

3.3.7. problem solving solving a problem and thinking what to do

3.4. I reason in an informed and fair-minded manner

4. Creative

4.1. How we are creative in class

4.1.1. we are creative in art

4.1.2. we have to be creative when making posters

4.1.3. we have to be creative when making presentations

4.2. how we are creative at home

4.2.1. we make paintings and drawings

4.2.2. we are creative when we do presentations for homework

4.2.3. we are creative when we give ideas for what to play at the playground

4.3. linking to the profile

4.3.1. originality being original and creative

4.3.2. imagination thinking about possibilities that can happen and can't happen

4.3.3. curiosity being curios and asking questions

4.3.4. adaptibility being able to adapt to something new

4.3.5. connection relating something to something else

4.3.6. innovation having a new method or idea

4.3.7. improvisation creating or performing something without having practice

4.3.8. risk-taking taking risks and being resilient

4.4. I imagine and generate new possibilities

5. Commited to care

5.1. How we commit to care at home

5.1.1. We don't sit on the tables

5.1.2. Don't break glass things

5.1.3. If siblings are hurt tell your parents

5.1.4. Help your parents

5.1.5. Study

5.2. How we commit to care in the classroom

5.2.1. We care for the schools property such as pencils tables ect.

5.2.2. Help a friend if they fall or get hurt

5.2.3. Respect the teacher when she talks

5.2.4. We do our homework

5.3. Linking to the profile

5.3.1. Stewardship The activity or job of protecting and being responsible for something.

5.3.2. Caring Displaying kindness and concern for others.

5.3.3. Empathy The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

5.3.4. Compassion Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings.

5.3.5. Open-Minded Willing to consider new ideas and sharing ideas.

5.3.6. Service the action of helping or doing work for someone.

5.3.7. Sustainability Being supportive.

5.4. I care. I initiate actions and make a commitment to shaping a better world

6. Self-Aware

6.1. How we are self-aware in the class room

6.1.1. We listen while others are talking incase it is important

6.1.2. We raise our hand if we are not sure of something

6.1.3. We pay attention in all the lessons not just one

6.2. How we are self-aware at home

6.2.1. we are aware of our time

6.2.2. we are balanced and do a bit of everything

6.2.3. we are aware of what is going on

6.3. Linking to the profile

6.3.1. Self-discepline The ability to over come weaknesses and control your feelings

6.3.2. Self-esteem Self respect and confidence

6.3.3. self-confidence being confidant in yourself

6.3.4. reflection the ability to reflect or look at what you have done

6.3.5. balance The ability to do and be many things not just one

6.3.6. contentment being happy for who you are and being happy for what you have

6.4. I developed intellectual, Physical, spiritual and emotional well-being

7. Self-manager

7.1. How we are a self-manager in class

7.1.1. we manage our work

7.1.2. we manage our stationary boxes and cubbies

7.1.3. we manage our work and be organized

7.2. How we are a self-manager at home

7.2.1. we manage our things

7.2.2. we have certain places for our things

7.2.3. we manage our time wisely

7.3. Linking to the profile

7.3.1. metacognition we are aware and we understand others thoughts

7.3.2. independencce we are independent and can do thing ourself

7.3.3. diligence being careful

7.3.4. organisation we are organised and tidy

7.3.5. responsibility being responsible and not goofing of

7.4. I take responsibility for directing my own learning

8. Collaborative

8.1. how we are collaborative in class

8.1.1. we share responsibilities with our class mates

8.1.2. we each do our parts for projects and things

8.1.3. we find away to solve issues if we have a fight

8.2. how we are collaborative at home

8.2.1. we solve issues with friends and siblings

8.2.2. we share responsibilities with siblings

8.3. linking to the profile

8.3.1. cooperation cooperate and share

8.3.2. participation participate in things and actually do something

8.3.3. leadership being a leader and taking on responsibilty

8.3.4. flexibility you would change and compromise

8.3.5. adaptability being able to adapt to something new

8.3.6. responsibility being responsibele and trusting yourself

8.3.7. trust you have belief in them and know they wouldn't lie

8.4. I participate with others in a range of situations

9. Communicator

9.1. How we are a communicator in class

9.1.1. We communicate with our class in morning meeting each sharing something or saying good morning

9.1.2. we communicate with our class mates when doing group chats and projects

9.1.3. we communicate with our teachers when we answer questions

9.2. how we are a communicator at home

9.2.1. we communicate with our friends at the playground

9.2.2. we communicate with our siblings because we share things

9.2.3. we communicate with our parents to tell them about things

9.3. linking to the profile

9.3.1. communication different ways to speak to someone else

9.3.2. interpretation a way of explaining something or an explanation of something

9.3.3. perspective a different point of view

9.3.4. intent being determined to do something

9.4. I communicate effectively according to the audience and purppose