Meine neue Mind Map

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Meine neue Mind Map von Mind Map: Meine neue Mind Map

1. Research

1.1. Diagnosis

1.1.1. blood test

1.1.2. ultra sound test

1.1.3. after birth: physical signs of the syndrome

1.2. Techniques

1.2.1. Therapies physical therapy language therapy occupation therapy emotional and behaviour therapy

1.3. Money for research

1.3.1. Find a way to prevent or make it better

1.3.2. Treatment

1.4. Pro

1.4.1. Science could find more treatments and preventions. It could make the people who are affected by this a better lifestyle.

1.5. Cons

1.5.1. Would cause a lot of money and its not sure if you can find any other techniques of any treatment.

2. Prevention

2.1. Therapy

2.2. Pregnancy

2.2.1. Moral decision

2.3. Behaviour

2.3.1. Physical

2.4. No cure

2.5. Pro

2.5.1. Lower rate of diseases, better life for the people who are affected

3. Treatment

3.1. Pro

3.1.1. Can live a better life

3.1.2. Science can find out more treatment

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. Could cost a lot of money

3.3. Birth defects

3.3.1. Pregnancy abortion

3.4. No vaccinations