How can you help students that are new to Fowler High School adapt to the Redact Family?

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How can you help students that are new to Fowler High School adapt to the Redact Family? von Mind Map: How can you help students that are new to Fowler High School adapt to the Redact Family?

1. Having a student orientation where students have the opportunity to have conversations with teachers, and other Fowler High School students.

2. We could start a program where students are able to go to classes with another student so that they experience what it's like to spend a day at Fowler High School.

3. Explain what FAMILY means & tell them some of the rules here

4. The video: we can film all the constant reminders that we have of what it means to be a redcat.

4.1. So we can show all the posters that spell out family.

5. The video: We can film some clubs and classes

6. The video: We can try to highlight some of the things we find exciting like dances, or rallies. Some of our favorite memories.

7. we can work together with link crew and make new ideas.

8. we can do like a dance/rally for just freshman so they can get more active and we can invite some of the upper class men to help out and to make new friends

9. Describe what kind of clubs, sports, activities we provide in this school.

10. Show the incoming freshman or new students the campus.

11. Make a rally for the incoming freshman so they get more active.

12. Explain what high school is about.

13. non technology: bring some type of lunch and talk to the students to just get to know them and them to make friends

14. The Document/newsletter: Give some helpful tips that we wish we would of known as incoming freshman