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Family von Mind Map: Family

1. Family type

1.1. Nuclear family

1.2. Extended family

2. Expressions with "family"

2.1. Family gathering

2.2. family resemblance

2.3. (v) run in the family

2.4. stable upbringing

3. Family relationships

3.1. sibling rivalry

3.2. (v) quarrel with each other

3.3. (adj) close-knit

3.4. (n) family bond

4. Family members

4.1. Parents

4.2. Children

4.3. Grandparents

4.4. Relatives

5. family-related Verbs

5.1. bring up/raise

5.2. get along with

5.3. admire/look up to

5.4. look after/take care of

5.5. rely on/ depend on