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Themes von Mind Map: Themes

1. Education and learning from experience

1.1. Difficult Situations

1.2. Manners

1.2.1. Etiquette

1.3. Tutoring

1.3.1. Maths, English Etc.

2. Ambitions

2.1. Pip wants to be a gentleman to please Estella

2.1.1. Class change

2.1.2. Change how he acts

2.2. Pip has Expectations

2.2.1. Context: Expectations in the 19th century meant 'to inherit money'

3. (Lost) Innocence

3.1. When the novel starts Pip loses his innocence as he steals the bread

3.2. Guilt

3.2.1. Crime

4. Love

5. Women

5.1. Biddy

5.2. Miss Joe

5.3. Miss Havisham

5.4. Estella

6. Class

6.1. Rich Class

6.1.1. Adulthood

6.2. Working Class

6.2.1. Childhood

7. Realtionships

7.1. Manipulative

7.1.1. Estella

7.1.2. Miss Havisham

7.2. Friendship

7.2.1. Joe

7.2.2. Hebert

7.3. Strictly Business

7.3.1. Jaggers

7.3.2. Magwitch

7.3.3. Matthew Pocket

8. Violence

8.1. London

8.1.1. Execution/punishment