Fluffy's Dog House Deliverables & Work Packages

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Fluffy's Dog House Deliverables & Work Packages por Mind Map: Fluffy's Dog House Deliverables & Work Packages

1. Research and Development (Adam 9 hrs/$180)

1.1. Responsibilities (Adam 1hr/$20)

1.1.1. dive up work (Adam-1hr)

1.2. Work-site Evaluation (Andy 1hr/$20)

1.2.1. analyze yard (Andy-1hr)

1.3. Blue Print and Design (Adam 7hrs/$140)

1.3.1. research (Adam-3hrs)

1.3.2. make a design (Adam-4hrs)

2. Negotiation (Andy 4hrs/$80)

2.1. client approval (Andy 2hrs/$40)

2.1.1. collaborate with client (Adam 1hr/$20)

2.1.2. client sign-off (Andy 1hr/$20)

2.2. negotiate prices (Andy 2hrs/$40)

3. Resources and Tools (Andy 7hrs/$140)

3.1. acquire materials (Andy 5hrs/$100)

3.1.1. Buy tools (Andy 3hrs/$60)

3.1.2. Buy wood (Andy 2hrs/$40)

3.2. acquire land space (Andy 1hr/$20)

3.3. obtain a vehicle for transportation (Andy 1hr/$20)

4. Construction (Adam-14hrs/$280)

4.1. Dog House (Adam 13hrs/$260)

4.1.1. take measurements (Andy 2hr/$40)

4.1.2. sand wood (Adam 2hr/$40)

4.1.3. screw boards together (Adam 2hr/$40)

4.1.4. cut wood (Adam 3hr/$60)

4.1.5. paint doghouse (Adam 4hr/$80)

4.2. Testing (Andy 1hr/$20)

4.2.1. Test dog house (Andy 1hr/$20)

5. Project Completion (Andy-10hrs/$200)

5.1. Transportation (Andy 5hrs/$100)

5.1.1. load doghouse onto trailer (Andy 1hr/$20)

5.1.2. transport doghouse to pre-determined location (Andy 3hrs/$60)

5.1.3. unload doghouse (Adam 1hr/$20)

5.2. obtain final client approval for finished product (Andy 1hr/$20)

5.3. accept payment (Andy 1hr/$20)

5.4. Clean up (Adam 3hrs/$60)

5.4.1. dispose of waste (Adam 3hrs/$60)