Does Homework Really Improve Student Learning?

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Does Homework Really Improve Student Learning? por Mind Map: Does Homework Really Improve Student Learning?

1. References

1.1. The Case Against Homework: How Homework Is Hurting our Children and What We Can Do About It.

1.2. What research says about the value of homework: Research review

1.3. Infographic: How Does Homework Actually Affect Students?

1.4. Time spent on homework and high school grades: A large-sample path analysis.

2. Pros

2.1. Bullet points

2.2. Canva

3. Background

3.1. Intro

3.1.1. Why this subject is important

3.1.2. Why it needs to be discussed

3.2. Study 1

3.2.1. Pros to homework

3.3. Study 2

3.3.1. Cons to homework

3.4. Conclusion

3.4.1. Top Priorities

3.4.2. Medium Priorities

3.4.3. Low Priorities

4. Cons

4.1. Bullet points

4.1.1. Materials

4.1.2. Personnel

4.1.3. Services

4.1.4. Duration

4.2. Infograph

5. Topic Overview

5.1. Intro

5.2. Why the topic is important

5.3. Survey

6. My Viewpoint

6.1. Intro

6.2. Details

6.3. Conclusion

7. About Me

7.1. Picture

7.2. Paragraph

8. Survey

8.1. Embedded

8.2. 12 questions

8.3. Results