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IMCD por Mind Map: IMCD

1. Fund Raiser

1.1. Lack of continuous fundraising initiatives

1.2. Programme fundraiser / events are planned too close to execution dates. (leaving less time and awareness online)

1.3. PMT’s are forces to do less budget fundraisers due to insufficient starting fund for a project.

1.4. Clash between fund raisers of programmes

2. HR

2.1. Volunteers

2.1.1. Benfits they can get through being a volunteer is not defined

2.1.2. lack of additional benefits for volunteers

2.1.3. Volunteer motivation has gone down

2.1.4. volunteer experience satisfaction motivation is not measured

2.1.5. Volunteer retention is too low

2.1.6. No positive experience volunteer to follow the new volunteers.

2.1.7. No volunteer delegation for programs imcd

2.1.8. lack of time availability of volunteers

2.1.9. Lack of volunteers

2.1.10. imcd volunteers are not recognised enough in the public

2.1.11. Individual achievements of the volunteers needs to be recognised as well

2.1.12. Proper induction for volunteers

2.2. Full timers

2.2.1. Lack of full time team

2.3. Leaderships

2.3.1. Development opportunities are shown at YF but there’s no managerial support to take them through the process

2.3.2. Don't have a proper talent pipeline, cant see successors for any of the projects at a glance

2.3.3. JDs are not defined

2.3.4. Lack of leaders

2.4. no rewards and recognitions

2.5. T & D

2.5.1. IMCD values are being neglected

2.5.2. Lack of Programme knowledge of all volunteers

2.6. Grievances

2.6.1. No proper grievances handling system

2.6.2. no strict actions against problem volunteers

2.7. Recruitment

2.7.1. no recruitments lately no Ad Hoc volunteer recruitment

2.8. no recognition for finance department of imcd

2.9. Looking back and remembering the achievements of IMCD and volunteers hadn’t been done in a long time

2.10. Updated HR database

2.11. Lack of proper Welfare system

3. Finance

3.1. No Management account

3.2. No close track on fund raiser

3.3. voucher and receipt or not issued properly

3.4. no centralised so decentralized accounting system in place

3.5. no annual budget for imcd

3.6. poor cash management

3.7. lack of transparency in financial activities

3.8. no asset registry

3.9. no physical files for financial transactions

4. Legal

4.1. Have not submitted to annually required documentation to NGO registrar

4.2. IMCD is not an approved charity in Sri Lanka

4.3. We don't know what is our working method with the existing government in the country

4.4. Have no idea what is happening with new policy implementations in the country and the impact to the organization

4.5. No company limited by guarantee registration for imcd

4.6. directors are not aware about legal Grounds running an NGO

4.7. trade marks are not registered

4.8. way of handling legal issues is not defined

4.9. All legal documents are not in one place latest

4.10. no file with Acts related to imcd/NGOs and latest changes in the government rules and regulations

4.11. signing power is not defined

4.12. no track on All legal documents handling no agreements been signed with volunteers members of stakeholders oh partners

4.13. no proper team for legal work and for transmission

5. IT & DB

5.1. Lack of follow up process by PMs to get their programme status updated on the website

5.1.1. All programmes don’t have updated websites.

5.1.2. imcd website is outdated

5.1.3. Programmes don't have statistics shown on website or on all social media.

5.2. We need a central system for everything ( At least a google doc , there was different tryouts but nothing was used after implementing )

5.3. Lack of proper knowledge sharing channel

5.4. Not maintaining of proper documents library

5.5. member it system is not used i

5.6. No online payment gateway

6. Logistic

6.1. Lack of shortage

6.2. Not maintaining an inventory for IMCD

6.3. Lack of infrastructure

6.4. lack of infrastructure computer printers stationery

6.5. Not utilizing the resources we have and some of the stuff in the storage is not usable but they are still there ( Office space! )

6.6. poor management of resources

6.7. no timely investment in resources (Logistics & Procurement)

6.8. No procument guide lines in place

6.9. No proper database for suppliers, service, provider and etc

7. Sustainability

7.1. Programmes are not financially sustainable

7.2. Is IMCD an organisation which will highly focused on bringing funds and implemented through partners, or is IMCD bringing less funds and implement programm by own

8. Programmes

8.1. Doubt that volunteers are being offered a satisfactory role or not

8.2. Programmes are not financially sustainable

8.3. Programme teams and SPM are not visionary enough

8.4. SPMs are not visionary enough

8.5. We don’t know the impact of our community services

8.6. We don’t know the impact of our community services

8.7. Irresponsibility of PMs (Case by case)

8.8. Nothing new from programmes like CAD, YF, P2W

8.9. No proper minute sharing after programme meetings

8.10. PMT’s doing the donation main event in weekend which is no the convenient for school staff and children. IMCD used to it in weekdays

8.11. No post projects meetings to identify shortcomings

8.12. No innovations and creativity

8.13. Programmes are not align with SDGs

8.14. Poor internal communication

9. Initiatives

10. Branding & Marketing

10.1. No uniform email signature

10.2. No official T-shirts

10.3. Very less news paper articles

10.4. Visibility of IMCD in the general public has gone down

10.5. No TV interviews

10.6. Lack of initiatives to expand the brand visibility

10.7. no creative campaign

10.8. Need to be working with the famous people in the country to reach out to more people and pass our message.

10.9. Creative campaigns for - recrit volunteers

10.10. no ongoing volunteer branding

10.11. no budget for marketing

10.12. imcd pages Facebook Instagram Twitter data in window thinking

10.13. Proper way of marketing within the volunteers

10.14. Lack of designers for programmes

10.15. not having a proper guideline to publish event albums and using official tag lines

11. ER

11.1. Lack of good relationship with stakeholders

11.2. No long term partners

11.3. No proper relationship with gpvt. officials

11.4. no updated imcd profile

11.5. no plans for long term partners benefits for long term partner not defined

11.6. no timely investment in resources

11.7. no affiliation

11.8. No Transport / logistics partner

11.9. Not enough funds to make a full impact in some instances

11.10. Not having proper collaborating between other organizations

12. BOD

12.1. Lack of creativity

12.2. Lack of entrepreneurial mindset

12.3. No idea on Macro environment

12.4. Membership and even senior leaders doesn’t know what is IMCD

12.5. Is ENGLISH the working language of IMCD ??? or is Sinhala the working Language of IMCD ???

12.6. Trustworthiness of BoD is diminishing

12.7. What does Sri Lanka needs ? project implementing NGOs or NGOs bring more funds

12.8. Does sri Lanka/Colombo has too many NGO and charitable movements

12.9. We don’t have a process to measure the impact of our community services

12.10. Not having a proper event timeline to follow

12.11. Not networked with the others who are making an effort to do something to the society there own way.

12.12. Lack of awareness about global and local trends corporate and NGO sector

12.13. no short term goals

12.14. short name imcd is been already used by a multinational company which needs to be changed or 3 band in different way

12.15. Current financial position of imcd is not aware by the directors

12.16. No administartion cost from funds.

12.17. directors attention on making programs financially sustainable is not adequate

12.18. no financial targets

12.19. Lack of BOD presence at project execution

12.20. BOD members don't put effort to create their profile in relate to community services

12.21. Lack of presence in external NGO gatherings

12.22. Not applying for awards

13. Internal Controls

13.1. No procedure manual and internal controls (for everything)

13.1.1. no guidance for value of cheques and value of payments (through finance)

13.1.2. for programs volunteers are spending their own money

13.1.3. Communication gaps. Different programmes are using different communication channels. Proper communication hierarchy is not defined

13.1.4. less interest of program management team and directors when it come to finance.

13.1.5. the approval process is weak when it come to financial transactions

13.1.6. Processes are not in place to get the approval (finance, budget , project proposal)

13.1.7. Project closure report Post project report ,reviews

13.1.8. Pre approval for any event , project Director Operation

13.1.9. Proper Guidelines for recruitment

13.2. too many bank accounts

13.3. no internal audit programme wise

13.3.1. no random checks off financial transactions

13.4. Smarter way of gathering progress reports of the programs and initiatives need to be created

13.5. Organizational Hierarchy - define the process (Volunteer to member)

13.6. Risk management and mitigation - process , documentation

13.7. No guidelines for smooth transition -PMT , BOD

13.8. Manuals & guideline (Proper appointment and proper resignation need to be developed)

13.9. Absence of procedures to make sure complete project delivery

13.10. Proper Guidelines for recruitment

13.11. We don't have a guide line to handle volunteer to personal issues related to organization

14. Training & Development

14.1. Lack of training/guidance for ER volunteers

14.2. no training plan

14.3. huge knowledge gap

14.4. Don't have a proper talent pipeline, cant see successors for any of the projects at a glance

14.5. volunteer training and induction programs are not happening

14.6. management has no understanding about the capabilities of volunteers

14.7. no training or experience sharing related to legal matters even at b o d level

14.8. lack of financial knowledge at b o d and all the other levels of imcd

14.9. directors or not putting enough attention on overhead expenses

14.10. PMT members tend to loose focus and interest of a project or conversation within 2 - 3 days if not exciting.

14.11. Mantoring , career development of internal volunteers not in place

14.12. Lack of leadership skills

15. Culture

15.1. diversity of volunteers is no more

15.2. a group of experience volunteers who are not involved in imcd activities

15.3. value of leadership opportunities doubtful

15.4. interaction with volunteers stakeholders is very poor specially parents University lecturers

15.5. imcd volunteers are not recognised enough in the public

15.6. No synergy between programmes