Capítulo 10: codificação lexical e temática

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Capítulo 10: codificação lexical e temática por Mind Map: Capítulo 10: codificação lexical e temática

1. ROSENBERG, Marc J. Beyond E-Learning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance. São Francisco, EUA: Pfeiffer, 2006.

2. Alunos Ricardo Belinski e Gilson Moraes

3. From E-Learning to Learning to Performance

4. The Road Traveled

4.1. Learning solutions are expanding to embrace the broader perspective of performance improvement

4.2. There are many ways to improve performance that are related not to learning but rather to the environment in which the performance takes place

4.3. Leadership and culture play an important role in driving and sustaining a smart enterprise

5. Four Underlying Principles for Moving Forward

5.1. Heed the warning signs

5.2. Reinvent what you do

5.3. Redefine your world

5.4. Put yourself in the bigger game

6. Performance Barrier

6.1. They don’t know how to perform.

6.2. They don’t know how well to perform.

6.3. They don’t know they should perform.

6.4. They don’t know why they should perform.

6.5. They don’t have the financial or technical resources to perform.

6.6. They don’t have the staff resources to perform.

6.7. They are not rewarded for the right performance.

6.8. They are punished for the right performance.

6.9. There are no consequences for doing it wrong, or for not doing it at all.

6.10. The physical environment does not support performance.

6.11. The job or task is poorly designed.

6.12. They don’t believe in it.

6.13. They are too busy doing other things.

6.14. They don’t have the capacity to perform.

7. Nonlearning Approaches to Performance Improvement

7.1. Possible Interventions

7.2. Misdiagnosis of the problem

7.2.1. Throwing dice

7.2.2. The right solution?

7.2.3. Do you want to take the risk?

7.3. Changes to the work environment

7.3.1. Better tools and technologies.

7.3.2. Streamlined work processes.

7.3.3. Changes to physical office space.

7.3.4. The nature of the work changed.

7.4. To improve performance

7.4.1. Incentives and rewards.

7.4.2. Better work-life balance.

7.4.3. Human resources (HR) Selection. Retention issues.

8. Introduction

8.1. Broadbased learning

8.2. Performance architecture