Developmental Skills and Task Among Adolscents

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Developmental Skills and Task Among Adolscents por Mind Map: Developmental Skills and Task Among Adolscents

1. Havighurst

1.1. Developmental Task for Adolscent

1.1.1. Infancy and Early Childhood Birth till 6 years old

1.1.2. Middle Childhood 6 to 12 years old

1.1.3. Adolscence 13 to 18 years old

1.1.4. Duration 19 to 30 years old

1.1.5. Middle Age 30 to 60 years old

1.1.6. Later Maturity 60 years old and over

2. Adolscent

2.1. Adolscent must Adjust or Establish to

2.1.1. Establish emotional and psychological independence from his or her parents.

2.1.2. Adjust to new Intellectual Abiliites

2.1.3. Adjust to a new physical sense of self

3. Adolscent

3.1. Adolscent must Adjust or Establish to

3.1.1. learn to manage his or her sexuality

3.1.2. adopt a personal value system

4. Adolscent

4.1. ADolscent must Adjust or Establish to

4.1.1. Develop a personal sense of identity

4.1.2. Adjust to increased cognitive deamnds at school

4.1.3. Develope stable and productive peer relatiojnships

5. Erikson

5.1. Psychosocial Stages of Developmental Task for Early Adolscent

5.2. Identity Formation vs Identity Confusion