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Smart city IA por Mind Map: Smart city IA

1. Citizen

1.1. Consumption

1.2. Education

1.3. Enterteinment

1.4. Hearth care

1.5. Public transport

1.6. Smart traffic

1.7. Social cohesion

1.8. Tourism

2. Bussines

2.1. Advertisement

2.2. Agriculture

2.3. Enterprise management

2.4. Entrepreneurship

2.5. Innovation

2.6. Logistics

2.7. Supply chaine

2.8. Transaction

3. Economy

3.1. Advertisement

3.2. Agriculture

3.2.1. Farming

3.3. center and payment service

3.3.1. Payment services

3.4. Enterprise management

3.4.1. Economy

3.5. Entrepreneurship

3.6. industry

3.6.1. Industry and manufacturing

3.7. Innovation

3.7.1. Research and policy innovation

3.8. Logistics

3.8.1. Logistic

3.9. Supply chain

3.9.1. Commerce

3.10. Transaction

3.10.1. Market

3.11. warehousing

3.11.1. Distribution

4. data procesing

5. application domains

6. technical infrastructure

7. system intregration

8. governance and managemnt

9. society and citizen

10. Bussines domain

11. Enviorment sustainability

12. sustainable develoment and clime change

13. clean water

14. Population and resource

15. Democratization

16. Global foresight and decisionmaking

17. Global convergence of IT

18. Rich-poor gap

19. Heath issues

20. Education and learning

21. Peace and conflict

22. Status of women

23. Transational organized crime

24. Science and technology

25. Global ethics

26. Government

26.1. Administration

26.1.1. Public and city administration

26.2. City management

26.2.1. Governance ad city management, informed top-level decision making

26.3. City monitory

26.3.1. Monitoring and benchmarking

26.4. Disaster prevention

26.4.1. Crime and disaster prevention

26.5. Dissaster management

26.6. E-Government

26.6.1. Government

26.7. Emergency response

26.7.1. Emergency

26.8. Employment service

26.8.1. Job creation, work and employment

26.9. Enviromental control

26.10. Facility and infrastructure provition controlling service

26.10.1. Facility management

26.11. Government office

26.12. Public safety

26.12.1. Safety and segurity

26.13. Public service

26.13.1. City hall services

26.14. Transparent government

27. Envionment

27.1. Building

27.1.1. Building

27.2. Community

27.3. Enviroment

27.3.1. Enviroment alert and ecosystem

27.4. Housing

27.4.1. Housing

27.5. Pollution control

27.6. Public Space

27.7. Renewable energy

27.8. Resources

27.8.1. Natural resources

27.9. Smart grid

27.10. Waste management

27.11. Water management

28. Smart economy

29. Smart living

30. Smart hl

31. Smart mobility

32. Smart governance

33. Smart enviorment

34. Urban settlement

34.1. Communication and information

34.1.1. Communication Infraestructure

34.2. Culture

34.2.1. Culture

34.3. Drainage

34.4. Drinking

34.5. Energy

34.5.1. Energy

34.6. Enviormental road infrastructure

34.6.1. Physical infraestructure riad, bridge and public lightning

34.7. Financial service

34.7.1. Business and finance

34.8. Garbage

34.8.1. Municipal Solid

34.9. Grind open space

34.10. Loadging

34.11. Park

34.11.1. Public garden and park

34.12. Parking service

34.13. Real estate

34.13.1. Real Estate

34.14. Regional information center

34.15. Road traffic control service

34.15.1. Dynamic Traffic Control Management Services

34.16. Smart city information service

34.16.1. Smart accesible application

34.17. Space for the informal sector and small medium enterprise

34.18. Tourist

34.19. Transportation

34.19.1. Transportation

34.20. Travel guidance

34.20.1. Travel guidance services

34.21. Utilities

34.21.1. Utilities

34.22. Vehicle infotaimnet service

34.22.1. Vehicles

34.23. Water waste management

34.24. Water management

34.24.1. Water management

34.25. Waste management

34.25.1. Waste management

35. Centralization and distribution of goverment service

35.1. Crime prevention

35.2. Emplogement service

35.3. Facility and infrastrucutre provition controlling service

35.4. Government office

35.5. Safety and discipline

36. Social service

36.1. Burial

36.2. Community

36.2.1. Community and inlcusion

36.3. Consumption

36.3.1. e-Services delivery

36.4. Education

36.4.1. Education

36.5. Enterteinment

36.5.1. vehicle infotainment services

36.6. Enterteinment and sport

36.6.1. Sport

36.7. Health

36.7.1. Health

36.8. Hearth care

36.9. Interactive service for local government and citizen

36.9.1. e-Democrazy and citizen participation in government

36.10. Learning

36.10.1. Mobile and E-Learning

36.11. Public transport

36.11.1. Bus services and metro management

36.12. Smart traffic

36.13. Social care

36.13.1. Welfare and social care

36.14. Social cohesion

36.15. Social service center

36.15.1. Social

36.16. Tourism

36.16.1. Tourism

36.17. Workship