Child Birth Defects

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Child Birth Defects por Mind Map: Child Birth Defects

1. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

1.1. Causes

1.1.1. hormone imbalance

1.1.2. chromosome

2. down syndrome

2.1. Article 2


2.1.2. "New Findings from Wayne State University in Down Syndrome Provides New Insights (Loss of DNA polymerase induces cellular senescence)." Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 22 Sept. 2018, p. 3684. Academic OneFile, Accessed 26 Sept. 2018.

2.2. Article 1


2.2.2. Palomaki, Glenn, et al. "DNA sequencing of maternal plasma to detect Down syndrome: An international clinical validation study" Genetics in Medicine, vol. 13, no. 11, Nov. 2011, 913, 26 Sep. 2018.

2.3. genetic mutation

2.3.1. muscle tone

2.3.2. bone structure

2.3.3. Motor skills

3. Autism Spectrum Disorder

3.1. Neurological disorders

3.1.1. behavior autism (ODD)

3.1.2. speech