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Assessment por Mind Map: Assessment

1. Feelings

1.1. students and teachers should feel purposeful

1.2. Given in a supportive fashion

1.3. Given as informational tool

2. Attributes

2.1. Informs instruction

2.2. Purposeful

2.3. Differentiated

2.4. Tied to unit goals

3. Feelings

3.1. About creating assessment

3.1.1. Overwhelming There are so many ways to assess How do we appropriately assess all learners with one summative assessment?

3.1.2. Concern for stress on kids

3.1.3. Integral to learning

3.2. About taking assessments

3.2.1. informative

3.2.2. Stressful

4. Assessing

4.1. Formative

4.2. Summative

4.3. Reflection/self Assessment for students and teachers

4.4. Effective for teachers students and parents

4.4.1. Differentiated Learning Styles Cultural Contxts

4.4.2. Informative

4.4.3. Reflective

4.4.4. Analytical

4.4.5. Collaborative

4.4.6. Tied to learning outcomes

4.5. Gives a clear picture of the student/learning

5. Recording

5.1. Tools

5.1.1. Rubrics, Exemplars, Checklists, Anecdotal Notes, Continuums

5.2. Strategies

5.2.1. Observation, Performance, Process-focused, Selected Responses, Open- Ended Tasks

5.3. Audio/Visual

5.3.1. Portfolios

6. Main objective of assessment


6.2. Developing Inquiry

7. Different testing approaches

7.1. Computers

7.2. Verbal

7.3. Written

7.4. Artistic

7.5. Standardized

7.5.1. MAP

7.5.2. Smarter Balanced

7.5.3. DIBLES

7.5.4. SAT

8. Types

8.1. Formative

8.1.1. Exit tickets

8.1.2. Observation

8.1.3. Progress Monitoring

8.2. Summative

8.3. Teacher Designed

8.4. Student Designed

8.5. Pre-assessment

9. Reasons for

9.1. To know that goals have been met

9.2. To find out what we know

9.3. To inform instruction

9.4. To set goals

10. Reporting

10.1. Parents , Students, Teachers

10.2. Reflect school values

10.2.1. School Policies

10.3. Clear and understandable

10.4. Conferences

10.4.1. Parent/teacher Student-led (parent/teacher/student) Student/teacher

10.5. Written Reports

10.6. Exhibitions

10.6.1. Galleries