Antecedentes del desarrollo económico e industrial de México

Use this template to collect all materials and information related to a class/course.

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Antecedentes del desarrollo económico e industrial de México por Mind Map: Antecedentes del desarrollo económico e industrial de México

1. Información del curso

1.1. Title & Short Description

1.2. Teacher

1.2.1. Name

1.2.2. Office hours

1.2.3. Contact

1.3. When & Where

1.4. Grading System

1.5. Online Resources

1.5.1. E-learning

1.5.2. Student forum

2. Reading List

2.1. Primary literature

2.2. Secondary literature

2.3. Reader

3. Exam Info

3.1. When

3.1.1. 1st Sitting

3.1.2. 2nd Sitting

3.1.3. 3rd Sitting

3.2. Where

3.3. Form

3.3.1. Essay exam

3.3.2. Oral exam

3.3.3. Multiple choice

3.4. Don't forget to...

4. Course Topics

4.1. Week 1

4.2. Week 2

4.3. Week 3

4.4. Week 4

4.5. Week 5

4.6. Week 6

4.7. Week 7