Soldier is identified by higher command as 'high risk'

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Soldier is identified by higher command as 'high risk' por Mind Map: Soldier is identified by higher command as 'high risk'

1. Solider is ordered to prequalify in the CyberFit onboarding quiz

1.1. Soldier is determined a qualified candidate for the CyberFit system

1.1.1. Solider receives welcome link to download mobile app, fill out additional consult forms, and schedule 'strategy session' with their assigned regional coordinator Soldier receives personalized PT routine, nutritional insights, and mental resiliency practices with a game plan for execution solider is held to high levels of accountability through a mix of autonomous check in's and human coach engagement

1.2. Solider is determined unqualified for the CyberFit system

1.2.1. Solider is reported to higher command for remedial action