Basketball League Finder

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Basketball League Finder por Mind Map: Basketball League Finder

1. About Us

1.1. We do this because it's a hassle having to find basketball leagues, about me, my background and my experience with finding leagues for my age group

1.1.1. Pictures of basketball related stuff, QR code pamphlet and newsletter sign up

2. Find Location

2.1. Allows search for where people want to find a basketball league

2.1.1. There's a map for locating their local area and a search button that won't work

3. Home Page

3.1. Give information on what this cite is (helps find basketball leagues in their location for their age)( Statement of Purpose is here).

3.1.1. Pictures of basketball related things

3.1.2. Statement of purpose: Our goal here is to provide you with a fast and easy to use tool to find basketball leagues in your area. Filter leagues by location, age, skill level, time and season length. This makes the hassle of searching for a league a breeze. Now you can spend less time looking to play and spend more time actually doing it on the court. Let's HOOP!

4. Tech Talk Powerpoint

4.1. Tech Talk Powerpoint goes in here

4.1.1. Embedded Tech Talk PDF

5. Stategic Map

5.1. Place stategic map here

5.1.1. Embedded Strategic Map

6. Digital Photo Editing

6.1. Show two images. One is original and the other is the digitally edited one.

6.1.1. Inserted two images of a basketball hoop

7. Infographic

7.1. Add infographic here

7.1.1. Embedded Infographic

8. Survey

8.1. Survey and link to pdf of survey go here

8.1.1. Embedded survey

9. Coverletter and Resume

9.1. Put cover letter and resume in here

9.1.1. Use Scribd document twice

10. Social Media

10.1. Put social media icons here and a link to blog page

10.1.1. Button to blog page and social media icons linked to accounts

11. Leagues

11.1. Talk about powtoons and how it is useful

11.1.1. pictures of a basketball court and Powtoons animation. Has search button (will not do anything because website does not have the premium version to do search engine feature)

12. Contact Us/Course Projects

12.1. Fake email, phone number, work number and address

12.1.1. Links for emails, Links for coure project pages and an information fillout form

13. Blog

13.1. Two posts about basketball experiences in a league. One includes a stepback and jumpshot. The second is in leagues that were found in league finder. Fictional blogger

13.1.1. Blog Posts, social media tools like email and instagram linked to real accounts

14. Professional Resources

14.1. Put professional resources assignment here

14.1.1. No tools, just text box

15. References

15.1. Place where all references will be cited

15.1.1. No tools, just text box

16. Google Drive

16.1. Place Google form and google folder link in here

16.1.1. Button that takes you to my google folder and embedded the google form I made

17. Screencasting and Screeshot

17.1. Place the screencast here and screenshots

17.1.1. Embedded a video and 2 images

18. Digital Storytelling

18.1. My digital stoty telling mindmesiter map goes here and my actual digital story video

18.1.1. Embed digital story video and embed mindmeister map

19. Action Research Report

19.1. Introduction of ARR and way to get to my google site here

19.1.1. Button is used here. It is linked to my google site