Diseño de Sistemas

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
Diseño de Sistemas por Mind Map: Diseño de Sistemas

1. Participants

1.1. Course blogs


2. Menus

2.1. Badges

2.2. Competencies

2.3. Grades

3. Initial Information

3.1. How to surf in the course

3.2. Course Agenda

3.3. Course Presentation

3.4. Rules and conditions for the development of the course

3.5. Course News

3.6. General Forum

4. Knowledge Environment

4.1. Syllabus of the course

4.2. Unit 1 - Concepts and basic principles of design

4.3. Unit 2 - Design oriented to objects and components

4.4. Glossary

5. Student's management Environment

6. Collaborative Learning Environment

6.1. Synchronic meetings via Webconference

6.2. Synchronic attention via Skype

6.3. Workshop: Step 1 - Identification of stakeholder and environments of virtual course

6.3.1. Problem-based learning strategy Workshop: Step 1 - Identification of stakeholder and environments of virtual course

6.3.2. Activities guide and evaluation rubric - Step 1 - Identification of stakeholder and environments of virtual course

6.4. Unit 1: Step 2 - Concepts and basic principles of design

6.4.1. Problem-based learning strategy Unit 1: Step 2 - Concepts and basic principles of design

6.4.2. Activity guide and evaluation rubric - Step 2- Concepts and basic principles of design

6.5. Unit 2: Step 3 - Design oriented to objects and components

6.5.1. Problem-based learning strategy Unit 2: Step 3 - Design oriented to objects and components

6.5.2. Activity guide and evaluation rubric - Step 3 - Design oriented to objects and components

6.6. Unit 2: Step 4 - Design oriented to objects and components

6.6.1. Problem-based learning strategy Unit 2: Step 4 - Design oriented to objects and components

6.6.2. Activity guide and evaluation rubric - Step 4 - Design oriented to objects and components

7. Practice Learning Environment

7.1. Guide for the use of educational resources

7.2. Educational resource Unit 1 - Alphabet Soup - Concepts and Basic Principles of System Design

7.3. Educational resource Unit 2 - Alphabet Soup - Design oriented to objects and components

8. Monitoring and evaluation Environment

8.1. e-portafolio

8.2. Step 1 - Identification of stakeholder and environments of virtual course - Delivery of activities

8.3. Step 2 - Concepts and basic principles of design - Delivery of activities

8.4. Step 3 - Design oriented to objects and components - Delivery of activities

8.5. Step 4 - Design oriented to objects and components - Delivery of activities