Articles a/an

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Articles a/an por Mind Map: Articles a/an

1. Article A

1.1. It is used with words that start with a consonant, h aspirated (h sonora) or u (or any other spelling) pronounced as / ju: / (iu).

1.1.1. For example a dog a book a hospital a happy

2. Article An

2.1. It is used with words that begin with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), h muda (not pronounced) or u cut (pronounced as a).

2.2. For example

2.2.1. an apple

2.2.2. an old man

2.2.3. an hour

3. The indeterminate article also serves to indicate an individual or element of any class, species or genus without particularizing it. For example, when we say: "A thief stole my bicycle" we are not specifying a specific person but the article indicates that we refer to any person as possible responsible for the theft of my bicycle (hence the article is called " indeterminate").

4. Video